Why visit the site and then freak about an execution video? Because the site is called "cute DEAD guys", Scotti, not "cute DYING guys". When a guy is DEAD his suffering's over. He enters a new dimension and his picture becomes a kind of icon to the beauty and shortness of life and the strange sexiness of death and all that necrophiliac stuff. But when he's in the process of DYING he's still a fellow mortal, you can identify with him, and his loneliness and pain can tear your heart out... Well that's how it is with me. I might be many things but I'm not a sadist. My avatar isn't real. The guy it portrays was faking it. When the photo shoot was over he probably went out for a drink with his mates. No real pain - no real harm in being fascinated by the image.
One final message: for Meatpie.

You always end your posts with a telling quote: "The goal of all life is death" - Sigmund Freud.
Here's another: "If you stare into the abyss, then the abyss will stare into you" - Friedrich Nietzsche.

For me, witnessing REAL cruelty and REAL pain is like staring into the abyss - it unleashes aspects of my human nature that I simply can't handle. I was once reckless enough to watch the notorious video of the killing of the Russian conscripts in Dagestan and it was so dreadful and so pitiful that I couldn't get it out my head for months. So I haven't dared watch the video discussed in this thread.

These observations are in no way intended to be a criticism of yourself. Your own reaction to the video shows that you empathize with the victims - in other words you're a compassionate human being - one of the good guys. (Terribly sorry if it sounds as though I'm patronizing you!)
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I really love this clip.
Sometimes i think i can still be traumatized by watching these beheadings but I am so very curious to see if the guy seems even a little bit conscious after his head is off. I have heard in case of guillotine that the beheaded person can see and think after head is separated from body for a few seconds or less? But i don't think so in these cases where head is more or less sawed or chop chop chop saw messy ridiculous way to do it.

During the time the French were beheading the upper class (aristocrats), A Doctor was beheaded. He made arrangements with his assistant that after his head was removed he would blink his eyes until he lost conscientiousness. He blinked for 15 seconds. This means he was still able to communicate, he was still capable of sight, sound etc. Can you imagine that? They used to hold their heads up sometimes in front of the crowd so all could see. I bet they didn't know that the head was looking back! Great find! First gut was tooooooooo HAWWWTTT!!!:hot::horny::drool:
During the time the French were beheading the upper class (aristocrats), A Doctor was beheaded. He made arrangements with his assistant that after his head was removed he would blink his eyes until he lost conscientiousness. He blinked for 15 seconds. This means he was still able to communicate, he was still capable of sight, sound etc. Can you imagine that? They used to hold their heads up sometimes in front of the crowd so all could see. I bet they didn't know that the head was looking back! Great find! First gut was tooooooooo HAWWWTTT!!!:hot::horny::drool:

only 15 sec???!?! disappoint.
I need them can capable of sight sound more than 3-5 minutes after they is beheaded.
I love young dead guys, that is for sure, but it is disturbing to see these scenes. I have no idea why I watch these, and almost always I feel sad and depressed for sometimes afterwards. Killing people is not fun. I think I am a loving kind of necro, no sadism for me!
The conscious period of barin without blood flow is under 10 seconds. The cause is totally lack of blood pressure. In hanging, the flow are cut, but pressure remain very high.