Why Donald Trump have to die.......

You're sure they were actually guilty as charged. I'm not sure if they are amongst the dead but two of the accused were seventeen and were condemned for attending a pro democracy demonstration called by his uncle. And the uncle, according to the press over here, was a moderate Shiite cleric opposed to some of the wqhabi excesses.
So not ideal candidates for judicial murder methinks.

I hope they execute all the fags
In any culture, country, religion etc there's a minority of small-minded, selfish, and basically stupid thickos who can't get beyond 'my lot is right, therefore I fear and hate anyone who thinks different' - and don't have the wit to realise that the people they hate are the people just like themselves just from a different 'this lot'. In the US it's the Trump followers, in Russia the Putin supporters, in the Middle East it's ISIS. In the UK it's UKIP to an extent, though mercifully most of them aren't quite into that league and we have few out-and-out fascists. And they focus round either a religious extremism or a rabble-rousing hater - Hitler, Stalin, I agree with Lindier that Trump has similarities (as does Putin - both remind me of Hitler and have the potential to bring utter destruction on their own people as well as on all of us.
Just because he's not a coward and will destroy Isis don't make him bad.
Least he's not some flaming ass fat.
So u advocate and fantasize having sex with dead people but you criticize others?
Hmmm ok lol news flash retard most people don't consider your sick fantasy normal.
At least our fantasies are our own and we would never knowingly hurt another person. Incidentally what do you think about when you masturbate? Surely not thoughts of the utmost purity. So please don't criticise us. Now if we actually abused dead bodies in the real world it might be a different matter, never mind illegal, but I don't think your actually suggesting that's what we do, at least those of us who post on matters of general interest.
If Trump is elected it may affect us all. Whilst the decision is not ours to make we are certainly allowed to comment on it.
So more power to your elbow Deaddirty. Keep the comments coming please. We may never convert everyone to our way of thinking but isn't it fun trying
Ok so your just good + normal guys that want fuck dead same sex bodies.lol gotcha you can try rationalize your sick fantasy all u want but they r just that.
Ok 4 u criticize others just don't do it 2 u?
At least most of us on this site are honest in facing up to our fantasies, rationalising if you wish, and if we actually crossed them into the real world I accept they would be sick; but of course we don't nor would we ever. So no one is hurt. And on this site we can indulge them. Call it a safety valve if you wish.
But why don't you be equally forthcoming and answer the question I previously put to you. What do you think about when you masturbate. Somehow I don't think it is little angels, although if it was you might have a problem, or kissing and cuddling a sweet young girl.
We've been honest, it's your turn now
So u speak 4 the entire board everybody that's ever been on here?lol typical internet bullshit I suspect there's some very sick people on here u being 1 of them.

I'm sorry u can try say wanting fuck dead bodies is ok all day but I think not.
There's a reason lesser countries don't want trump elected but beware it's coming.sorry free lunch is over and murdering cowards your day of reckoning is near
There are many US allies represented in the comments on this thread - UK, Canada, and others. Deathproof, what we worry about is him taking us into war with the US - a war which might turn out to be Armageddon. Might Trump be the AntiChrist who ends the world.

If there is one thing we must learn ere - politics and religion do not belong in a fantasy site.
Most of us in the US see Trump for what he is. The man is an embarrassment who appeals to a small uneducated group of religious fanatic gun nuts.
Politics and religion are the easiest way to lose friends.
However I'm not sure they do not belong on this site. Sure it is primarily a fantasy site but there are many posts on matters on which members have views. I know that I am interested in the views of site colleagues and enjoy putting across my own views. Judging by the number of contributors many other site colleagues take a similar approach. I think the site would be diminished if we enforced a strict ultra vires rule and limited it solely to cute dead guys.
Might be interesting to see what others think. Perhaps someone more tech savvy than me might create the necessary poll.
Most of us in the US see Trump for what he is. The man is an embarrassment who appeals to a small uneducated group of religious fanatic gun nuts.

That's certainly the impression the guy gives and the petulance he showed in Scotland when he didn't get his way doesn't bode well for the future were he to get elected.
I certainly accept that his appeal to the educated is probably limited but he does seem to have a lot of support in the polls which inconvenient. Mind you the British elections showed how inaccurate those can be.
I guess we must hope that common sense prevails.
One thought incidentally, it has been suggested over here that one reason for his success is his almost obscene wealth . Is there an argument that candidates should have their spending on elections, both in seeking primary nominations and then in fighting subsequent elections should be limited as in other countries.
The others are funded by special interest groups they get elected then they have to do what they want they're called puppets Trump got his money the old fashioned way he earned it you turd you guys stop cutting down Trump if he pulled his cock out 99% of you would suck it in a heartbeat
Actually your wrong. Trump inherited the organisation from his father, Fred trump. His choice of private school was aided by his father being a trustee. There are questions concerning his military deferment. I suggest you have a look at the Wikipedia article about the guy before you show him any more qdmiration. The article was an eye opener.
Or would you suggest that Wikipedia is another servant of the liberal intelligentsia?
Your full of shit Britt fag made his $ in real estate. U better stick 2 sucking cock
Read Wikipedia or can't you face the truth you ignorant bastard