Dark Fader
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Your experience and preferences are exactly like mine Mort, except I always like it when my best friend Francis (you) pretended to be killed. He loved getting choked, shot, stabbed, manipulated, gut punched and I was more than willing and eager to accommodate him. I wish I knew now was he was and how he is doing.
These fantasies erotic stimulation BECAUSE they are fantasies and will always remain that way, to cross over would be unthinkable and about as far from sexy as I can imagine.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, words and pics
These fantasies erotic stimulation BECAUSE they are fantasies and will always remain that way, to cross over would be unthinkable and about as far from sexy as I can imagine.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, words and pics

I like to draw the line between fantasy and reality, and yes, the lack of pronounced barrier between the two on these forums is somewhat disturbing to me.
This is a hardcore ingrained fantasy, yes, but fulfilling it helps me LIVE in this reality. It's not my fault that my sexual fantasies are about dying, but they remain my sexual fantasies and nothing I can do about it.
They have been there since even before I was sexually aware... even as a child of 9 years old, running around playing war with other children, I longed to be "killed" and then impress them with being a convincing corpse. Maybe they'd shoot their toy guns into me just to make sure... it made me feel "tickly" in ways I have not felt before.
The first time I came as a teenager, was to imagery of being pushed to fall onto a spike fence, being penetrated by several spikes, and limply coming to rest.
Honestly it feels like past-life memories. Several past-life memories overlapped, with that final release of energy when my body is killed, echoing through space-time and affecting my current life.
Like I need to heal those echoes of trauma by going deep into them.
Whether being a straight Dom, with a female who plays dead (I did this with prev. girlfriends), or as a gender-agnostic Sub who plays dead (which makes me compatible with gay/bi Doms and these forums!), the experience is equally arousing because it doesn't matter so much WHO is experiencing the state of non-existence, no-mind.
It's just that I am NEAR it, in SOME capacity... it feels like being near a portal to a higher realm, where all the answers lie about our existence...
Also, playing games with it feels invigorating, like some ancient tribal rituals created around death to soothe their feelings about it.
My Sub side was there first... I just walled it off and ignored it for all these years. And yet I couldn't help but regularly RP being killed on my own, getting better at it, and these sudden images of being post-mortem manipulated, my dead body being WANTED, by a dominant male killer started popping into my mind...
The contrast between my alive self with all his wants and feelings and heterosexual orientation... and my dead self, without a mind, reflexes, sexual orientation, sense of time... just a pliant piece of meat killed for someone's fun... my boundaries violated completely... it makes me hard without fail.
Everyone has a dark side. Well, at least mine is physically harmless fantasies instead of a heroin addiction or something. Now THAT would've been bad...