Two Murdered Men Hanged from a Bridge in Durán, Ecuador


Staff member
Oct 7, 2008

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Early Monday morning, residents of Durán woke up to a disturbing scene: two men hanging on a pedestrian bridge at the entrance to the city, in the downtown area.
The discovery was made before dawn this February 14. Residents who were walking along Nicolás Lapentti Avenue were alerted when they saw the two suspended bodies. They were handcuffed, hanging from a rope at one of the ends of the structure.
One of those hanged in Durán bridge had been reported missing on February 11 in Guayaquil.
The murdered men had been hung from their feet. One of the individuals was almost touching the ground.
Police personnel went to the sector within minutes to verify the situation and elements of the Transit Commission of Ecuador closed the vehicular passage. Firefighters used a stretcher to remove the remains.
Three men were killed in Guayaquil and Daule, this Sunday, February 13.
Preliminary versions indicate that the men who were hanged show traces of having been tortured.
The situation has alarmed the inhabitants of the sector, as this has only been seen in Mexico, where drug cartels have acted in this way to arouse anxiety in the population. A situation of this magnitude had not been recorded in Ecuador, although the authorities recognize that gangs with links to Mexican cartels operate in the country.
The bodies have been taken to the Guayaquil morgue and the police have not yet released any information.
However, a police report indicates that the event was reported at 02:35. The external examination of the bodies indicates that they had depression grooves at the feet, hands and neck. One of the bodies had a red boxer-type garment tied in a sheath around the neck.
Only hours later, in Durán, two other men who were driving in a blue car in the sector of the Primavera 2 neighborhood were murdered. At least 10 violent deaths have been registered this weekend in Guayaquil and Durán.
The individuals were taken to a health center, but they were found dead. The victims are Juan Antonio Jubam, 45 years old, and a 15 year old teenager who received nine bullet impacts. At the scene 25 ballistic evidences were collected.
According to reports from residents, the assassins arrived in a van, closed the blue car and two men got out and opened fire. They were carrying a short weapon and a rifle.
In Durán alone there have been more than 23 violent deaths so far this year. With these violent deaths, Zone 8, which includes Guayaquil, Durán and Samborondón, has 164 violent deaths.