Ron Covent "Miracle"


Morgue Intrude
Staff member
Sep 7, 2010
This is a supposed "miracle" of Buddha. There are similar cases in Thailand but this one in particular is from an American man named Ronald "Ron" Coven, 53 years old.

Among lots of phrases and texts in Thai there are a text in English that goes like this:

An American man listened the Buddhawajana before he is died. He had smoothly gone. These Clips and Photos are After Death 4 hours, the body still soft and can movements like he isn’t die. and nice skin like you see, can keep him for 5 or 7 days ,.. he would still be like this. He should have the best thing in next life, Nibbhana. That’s a miracle from the words of the Buddha.

I don't know what the trick is, because this is something that is biologically not possible (or so I think). Maybe the videos are not 4 hours?, Or some kind of biological oddity, that has nothing to do with religion. Sure it's a hoax... Any logical explanation, especially for those who know something about medicine or forensic science?

What is certain is that the man is really dead, and the most important here, in these videos we are given some good shots of his dead face and large feet and toes:heart love:

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Nice yellow feet but biologically not possible to stay unchanged even for a few hours after death.
Nice yellow feet but biologically not possible to stay unchanged even for a few hours after death.
What biologically unstoppable happens then?

My guess you start ta
rot. o_O:this isnt happening
Omg, these videos are incredible, lovely pale yellow hands and feet, and gorgeous hairy legs.
In the video it seems he died just some minutes ago, its not possible to his muscles be this relaxed hours after death, not at all. Also, he dont have any sign of livor mortis yet