Pulling the Guts of Alive Man Mexican Cartel Execution Style


Staff member
Oct 7, 2008
This method is gaining a lot of popularity among Mexican cartels. For similar execution videos check thread tags at the bottom of this page.

<code class="html clickselect undefined xml" style="-moz-tab-size: 4; display: block;"><video controls="" poster="http://dump.bitcheese.net/files/vavosyx/3s7_nMqE7ECgGjHk.mp4" width="720" height="405">
<source src="http://dump.bitcheese.net/files/vavosyx/3s7_nMqE7ECgGjHk.mp4" type="video/mp4">
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Certainly is popular with me! :drool:
This is one of the hottest, most personal, most intimate things I can image. I simultaneously go between wanting to do it to someone - including eating some of the raw innards as they come out, to having me restrained and helpless to do anything while I meet my fate in this horrific way. I would knowingly put myself in harms way if it meant having this done - as long, of. course, as. someone filmed it and posted it for you guys!
I would knowingly put myself in harms way if it meant having this done - as long, of. course, as. someone filmed it and posted it for you guys!

I'd watch. I'd pull. I'd eat.