Naked white Caucasian with super huge cock on the morgue table

That's adorable! He's still handsome even at his death. Well, I wish that he had gone to gym somehow some while before ending his life and render his soulless body for our enjoyment. Wish that he had a decent moment of death before his life left him though.
he is 22 y.o. and polish... that's what I've got from google translate
I remember there was a thread, a polish guy hanged in Thailand, with face pictures, and passport photo, is anyone can find this post in CDG????

Link, hope some Thai friends can find photos without block.

Here is the Google translation of ths page - glad that makes everything clear (not)!:

Guidelines when postmortem Vera Lynch reported deceased : . 1 list

Proper Management for Caucasian's Hanging Case: A Case Report

M.d. wisut Siri paiboon bubbles. Congratulation, m., a.m., pm, THB,. Forensic medicine * ว. ว. * Associate Professor, Department of forensic medicine. Faculty of medicine siriraj hospital Mahidol University.

The militants were found (dead) with a history of "hanged to death," the doctor shall be called to participate in an autopsy on a regular basis is already 1 , and believe that if the (healthcare and health). In the Government's hospital medical source, such as a doctor's order, as the accident unit. Emergency room doctor or physician that is provided is responsible for the autopsy is only then he surely must've done a autopsy deceased in this manner. This is because if it is you want to commit suicide. The best way is the smallest and most suffer as ramak wish success finally seems to be "hanged to death" because of the current, such as a rope chain wire snare etc. is. Even in custody or in prison that the equipment has been difficult, it is also used a rope to pull the ears off the pants and is used as the object to hanging, it appeared, however, that the doctor has detected that there are those who died in such a way that there is a rope with a loop or neck to lean on.Another object such as a roof, next to the fence, railing, etc, it does not mean only that it is death, because it may not hang only such as might be caused by "the hanging", which in this issue must be considered critical to the stranger and more (foreign) that this is someone who does not know how to come here because of what happened, the more must be suspicion.

An autopsy might see ................ as easily, but the real autopsy, doctors need to take into consideration the "cause and effect" according to section 154, while the autopsy consists of always the issue may be related to circumstances that he "was aware of the killings", when the doctor. If this is the case of foreigners, especially khokhesoi (Caucasoid) doctors need to send those bodies to continue, always (no exceptions). This is for safety and medical standards ........... etc.

Good model (deceased 1 list).

22-year-old man who died as Poland nationality was sent to receive a check at the siriraj hospital with a history of "dead hang" was found around 3.00 p.m. (when there is a race between a pair of World Cup with Germany humiliated Argentina is in progress). Staff investigation police have made nakhonban autopsy in combination with medicine, body and check that the plant medicine siriraj municipalities ( picture 1). .

Inspection bodies : (medical examination of the bodies has been made, the time 9.00 pm) briefly as follows.

The external condition of the body : ( pictures 2-3). .

-Dead man Caucasus age 20-25 years santhat strong shapes. Approximately 180 cm long, black hair color with whiskers and beard, a relatively short length of approximately 0.3-0.5 cm with tattoos on neck (long) after (spider-like fibers) at the beginning of the right arm (similar to the standard).

-Full body erection. The initial agreement to lower blood was found later died later.

-The bleeding point is found lining the left eye and right eye position 1, position 1.

-Find the right knee abrasions, wounds 5 cm wide and 3 cm long, approx.

-Small foot bruise wound right. After the hand, fingers on both sides of several positions.

-Severe wounds could not be found, according to the body and limbs.

-Wound care Press fasteners were found at the front of the neck, above the level of the child to struggle. To lean on from neck to behind the ear on both sides. Width of about 0.5-0.8 cm pressed joints around the welded joints were found not scraped together. The depth of the wound from the skin of 0.4-0.5 cm ( picture 4-5). .

-The arms and legs are in a straight racist.

The condition of the bodies within the:

-Scalp and scalp under normal Could not find the murderer, abrasions or cham?

-Normal blood body brain, skull slightly to moderately comfy.

-Under the throat wound, Reuters press found no bleeding is clearly. ( Picture 6). .

-Freckles look kahaioi that plaikraduk both sides (cornu) is bleeding a little bit ( Photo 7). .

-Bone, thyroid disease and the river thinoi, and khoi khrai thyroid are normal.

-Respiratory and lung diseases start in the normal criteria. There is a comfy environment and blood.

-The size of the heart muscle, heart, hearts, including all three backs daliang tubes are in the normal criteria.

Liver, kidney and spleen and other organs-in abdomen and pelvis in a normal basis; there was only blood conditions comfy.

-The rib bones, pelvis and spine are normal.

-The liquid was found in pieces (like salami) and water in the stomach for about 400 cm. Could not find the smell or color in the crease in the stomach wall?

-Common standards monitoring (blood alcohol level in your blood is composed of villages).

-Check the standard analytical Toxicology (urine, blood, water, and returning to the liquid in the stomach).

-To keep the hair and bone rib (to check further analysis if necessary).

The cause of death.:

Access to the "missing from the area of the neck strap, press joints."

Circumstances of death : (medical identification is not desirable)

Analysis and criticism

May exclude the consideration as a general issue, and the issue only on the good model? Is as follows:

General issues.:

Secondly 1: funeral from the Lynch (a tie around the neck in a way its own weight).

1. the so-called khuan neck. .

This does not mean that there must be a suspension of "tongtaeng" stand above the ground, but it does, because it may break a hanging type.

Category 1: hanging by a genuine (complete hanging).

Category 2: "hanging partially (incomplete or partial hanging).

2. the style of dealing with death is hanging. .

Such bodies are found objects, such as a rope or wire with a length of chain cable tendons. Towel Against the fabric. Linen, etc., to lean on the neck, next to address things that are higher, such as a roof beam grating etc etc does not mean that it is caused by their own actions only. By a) if it is a manual dealing action is called a "suicide", or (b)), if someone else is dealing with an action that is referred to as "murder."

Such behavior was found hanging issues, which cannot be cut off when the preliminary autopsy (where found dead), although it was found that there was "a document designed to identify the cause of death, by hanging himself hanged himself" (suicide note).

2.1 other people may write instead. It is a fake, with that as the deceased, write "to identify the causes of which must be hanged yourself.

2.2 writing the deceased personally, but it may be because of.

Gor is forced to write because it is necessary, such as debt. There are reasons that the insurance.

ข. written long ago, but with the leader of the "imposter" is used as a result of that, "those who die commit suicide."

C. a psychosis or neurosis before and write in advance, but did not write a story in a while or if found dead (hanged).

Discography. Write your own as little or some condition (pressure) for a long time, but at the time of the accident did not have this condition.

Pray 2: the things that the doctor who performed the autopsy done on autopsy. "" .

When a doctor has a duty to perform the autopsy, it is his duty (section 148 and 150)1 because it is a "dead wrong in nature (section 148)1 .

What must be done, "medical act" full knowledge and in a manner that can be called "standard of healthcare" (health professional),2, 3, 4 and 7. This is so close to reality that is likely to occur, in order to achieve fairness towards those who died.

Secondly : an autopsy case suspected the hanged to death .

When an autopsy completed, regardless of whether it is the case, for example, may not have any notes or questions (preliminary) at found dead (where the body was found), according to the Security (of medical standards in healthcare and health). Doctors deserve to have to have a funeral to check against delivery.

In these reasons does not mean that it must make "every body check" always smooth, but that doctors must take to get a check-up corpse is "check again", which detailed the ayang.

A. even though the investigation is to check just outside, but there will be a resolution over the checking of the bodies while. "Autopsy", certainly because of the monitoring bodies when the bodies arrived at the examination bodies to make checks.

" Time" that is sufficient to ensure there was no need to rush the e.g. the autopsy might have to hurry, because the people who are around, which may be a relative or "thatch", Thailand, etc. Make doctors who participate in the autopsy may not be apparent that pathology, it is important that more bodies.

" The place". The dead were brought here (section 152), check it frequently, as are provided for in particular in unison, thus a device used to detect such a light bright enough. There are eight bodies washed what really. The x-ray machines within the body to see the bone or foreign objects that came with the dead. Assistant to pose or flip to come. A simple screening tool (not a slit the body), but it may be just "Scrabble" or "screaming" in the position in question, or even possibly a simple preliminary test, such as having a drug that a death may be obtained by vacuum removal of urine test for detecting basic chemistry, etc.

" People do" often there are many, many people who participate in or help examine bodies. Which, of course, possible that there are several people (usually specialize in the body), could see () that was not found at the pathology where the bodies were found or autopsy.

" Opening a full inspection bodies". . Can be done easily by removing clothes? Apparel until a thorough investigation to surely be detected such as wounds in secret (for example, a cat was shot anal or at the funeral were hammering a nail with a head covered with hair).

" Smudge" screening The case has been smudged stain. Mud, oil, paint, etc., which may obscure the existing condition according to the pathology body parts such as needle stabbing joints. The secret wounds in General at the autopsy will not open it because it might be unduly exposed to the surrounding, such as their address etc.

Secondly 4: What do the dead doctor. "Must" Act .

When such bodies (preliminary that Lynch was found), then the doctor needs to examine or collect or send a check to a case or a sequence, as follows:

Verse 1: I think there is no reason, in case of suspicious circumstances that is designed. "It was carnage." .

It is believed that the case would be hanging dead? unable to find something different, another reason to doubt, and like the relatives do not stick into the certainly that. and medical. The deceased was the religions (such as Islamic leader) The deceased persons who may have an agreement with the authorities of the State in advance (for example, those Jewish religions, etc.) by authentication may be performed. Is as follows:

1.1. a detailed external inspection bodies urge Even the signs of being a needle to pierce the redness or potential suspect was saved.

1.2 recording the condition of the bodies is an excellent drawing, writing, writing the measure of size (length, width, position, depth, etc.).

1.3 the shooting locations of the body and evidence that might be found or mounted on any part of the body.

1.4 to collect evidence from outside (even not having body check-up), but it may be stored by the collection of such evidence, mostly just saving them to remove or archive to send a check, such as.

G something that came with the dead, such as clothes, it may be necessary to send checks to type foundries, etc, etc.

ข. what came with the meat of the dead bodies, such as the color stains, fur needs to send a check at a laboratory that can prove it.

C. A portion of the store from the outside without having to, for example, to keep the hair or fur. Cut nails to check To collect saliva feces, etc.

Discography. The wound on the body that can be checked from outside may examine and record or photograph to the recording, or it may be necessary to "scrape" or "Hakka" skin to check if necessary.

1.5. keep evidence (specimen) that need to use a tool, but does not perform the funeral (non-invasive procedure).

A. using x-ray or radiation see opaque (Fluorescence).

ข. check with expensive tools, such as computer (CT Scan, or MRI), which is also called "Digital Autopsy" (currently not working and not worth it, but in the future there may be actions.)

1.6 to collect evidence to connect the body (invasive procedure) as a doctor must perform the funeral, such as having a small hole to suck.

G keep cutting pieces of flesh to examine tissue under Roy press (band) at the neck to see the reaction of life (vital reaction), etc.

ข. drilling to keep the substance in water, such as a vacuum to remove urine. To see the blood from the large blood vessel according to different parts of the body, the spinal cord, the water in water, etc.

C. drilling to collect pieces of flesh (characteristic biopsy).

Discography. Surgical body the body to need such a surgery to remove the existing foreign objects or remove parts of the cutting the tissue out to.

Verse 2: If there is reason to doubt, or even think it, but not sure you want to make it as standard (standard routine). .

For reasons that are not sure of the reason or need for surgical examination bodies (autopsy complete), which usually has:

2.1 in case of doubt, such as foreign persons who have never been in the neighborhood at the death. Don't know who killed who There is some evidence to suspect.

2.2 the examination (examination).

In this case, it means "a thorough examination of which requires surgical audit bodies" by "something medical examination, it is desirable to.

2.2.1 the wound according to the different parts of the body, from the head. Under the neck, scalp chest After the pelvis, thighs;

2.3 storing evidence

Is to keep the evidence from?

A. to keep the same as the 1.

ข. to store pieces of surgical space check

C. store the substance in water, such as blood, urine and water, pour water in the bladder and other instruments detected a suspicious things.

2.4 storage specific evidence in the case (specifically).

In a case that may prove in the next person needs to collect more, which often is the rib cartilage (very popular) or "best of", for example, humerus etc.

Thirdly : 5 reasons to collect evidence .

1. General testimony rakep. . It is necessary to keep the specimen based on the reasons above (like these), and in "getting the substance (drug) that is dead" might have been before the death, which is generally something that holds water, blood, urine, and consists of the water in the stomach (probably there is water in the water or the spinal cord.)

2. to collect specific evidence .

What it means : it means to collect evidence to prove that a person is registered as an individual, which is typically a "Thailand", often in an existing document, such as document identification card drivers license or official documents, including, if the officer (investigation). Such person shall specify whether it is reliable and can act on behalf of that person by false pretense.

The case of the Gentiles : . Your doctor may want to give priority. The more the is foreign Europeans or Americans might want to keep private, or parts may be an issue in such a caring person, is the condition "is that it?" In this issue, deserving medical evidence to prove that holds genetic (DNA)

The reason may be an issue : the reason is that in the current environment of complex society, till there are action steps very complex task such as a masquerade party another person who may be a bigger issue than countries such as "terrorism" and the need to clearly identify the genetic level. Therefore, If the doctor has kept parts of the body (could) do genetic activity is surely considered apai made things better and might be named "namatthan", but is beneficial to the Agency and to give the forensic medicine interests of another with your physician.

Specific issues as good model:

According to the analysis of the issues, only good model.

Issue 1: the message of notice in the corpse ( who died. .)

In the body (the deceased) must be treated with a note of doubt. Is as follows:

1. deceased foreign (Poland) and non-resident in the neighborhood said at all.

2. the deceased is only 22 years old, only the younger.

3. the deceased have tattoos, according to the body such as the neck, arms, etc. show that there are circumstances would "fight on".

4. the deceased was a strange wilderness. These people never have to see or know of someone dying (details from preliminary investigations).

5. the time was found dead (deceased) was a late gentle waters and others are not interested because there is competition in the World Cup final round between Argentina with Germany, "which is believed to be truly free people.

6. place the dead in the alley (lonely) "in the public Digest devoted to" deep into the SOI c. 200 m.

7. the condition of the deceased died in half-sitting, half-standing Pier is just a power cord with a loop of a mobile phone. The death was hanging onto a rope that Chin. Condition of the legs bend the polite address (incomplete hanging).

8. no one has ever seen a dead person (the stranger), and I don't know why they died, so come hang at the alley and not the deceased come to hang themselves?

9. Although in the passport of the deceased (Passport) to identify the dead, but clearly it must keep in mind that the "deceased person may not by name in the Passport," (เนื ongchak now I found a huge counterfeiting).

10. the severe wound was not found by the body and limbs may have just scraped knee injuries on both sides. By the side of the right rather than left side.

11. that the deceased was hanging on just to lean on the neck only. Not to be strangled or hanged himself in the snare. Whether dead or broken any condition snare snare

12. the circumstances, it is possible that the deceased was conscious but not death (stun) and is captured hanging (Phat only) so as to cover up cases.

13. the stock of loans was missing but credit cards and passports only.

Issue 2: analysis of the cases, the deceased as good model .

The bodies of the dead, about 1 State that have been found. The "purpose of autopsy" (section 154) in the.

" In section 154 , who made the comments as the autopsy result and booklet shows the death of deceased who are dealing death where death by when people hurt, said anyone or suspect who is guilty only to know." .

For that purpose, in order to adapt the classification to the deceased.

1. those who are dead are not yet certain that this death as anyone else. If you're sure that it is reviewing the race, "khokhesoi", which may be in any country. Moreover, according to the person, not the person who may be identified in the Passport. Secondly, there may be suspicious, such as people dying strange wilderness with people dying around. The deceased has many tattoos on both arms, after the beginning of the neck, etc. shall show that the deceased might be in a group of people who are at risk for a career. Therefore, there must be also considered suspicious in this possibility. Moreover, cases that are particularly worthy Gentiles, that doctors must think about cases that may occur (in the direction of critical/negative) that may occur, such as the case of the forgery or want to specify whether one is one as there are requests by foreign masters who have been analyzing the genetic property has already been presented (or standard of DNA anslysis prototype).

2. die for a long time. In this issue, because the examination of the corpse is detected after an employee sent to investigate when an investigation is about more than 6 hours after the loss of life and property to detect both clotting of the dead. The initial agreement to lower later died of the dead is full, then it is difficult to tell the time, obviously, but it is necessary to look to "the autopsy is important", in which it can be done.

3. die? Places that need to die with the State inspection bodies that occur especially in wounds in the neck (Roy press) that are characteristic of the reaction of life (vital reaction) to issue the deceased was dead, hanging from the handles came to Lynch himself, which in this necessary reasons it is possible that the deceased at the time of capture, this has not yet come to hang to death needs to be considered with the lab results, such as the detection of a substance or substances in the body that may be the cause of death, or do not feel or not.

4. cause of death from the condition of detected things/that arise from lack of air. To find bleeding points from in the lining of the eye. Getting comfy in the internal organs of blood

5. the circumstances of the death.


The autopsy showed that deceased was hanged is. The doctor who performed the autopsy could determine whether it is in a real autopsy, but actually the doctor needs to take into consideration the "cause and effect" according to section 154, while the autopsy consists of always the issue may be related to circumstances that he "was aware of the killings", when the doctor. If this is the case of foreigners, especially khokhesoi (Caucasoid) doctors need to send those bodies to continue, always (no exceptions). This is for safety and medical standards (of legal medicine). and, if need be, according to article 152, per an corpses, doctors need to check and send the results to support the teen hang out. In particular, the doctor must not forget to keep the parts of the body to indicate a person (DNA).

The reference document.

1. consider how criminal code .

2. declare that the Medical Council of Thailand 11/2555 (2012) subject benchmark health care professionals of the Medical Council of Thailand by meeting time 2555 (2012)/2555 (2012) April 12 2555 (2012) share, edit the text in the Medical Council of Thailand announced 11/2555 (2012) down this issue as "declared May 25, 2555 (2012) coming into force from next day proclamation (January 24 2555 (2012))".

3. announcement of the Medical Council of Thailand 12/2555 (2012) subject knowledge criteria capable of estimation to obtain licenses as 2555 (2012). health care professionals (Medical Competency Assessment Criteria for 2012 National License) announced January 24 2555 (2012).

4. Health Professions Act 2525 (1982). 99:1-587; 2525 (1982) 24.
Good thread!!! Id like see more of him (or others)
Same guy yes.
Found more alive photos, hope someone can find more dead pix.
His girl friend was fucking lucky, had a dead boyfriend had such huge dick..image.jpg
If only the Google translator did a better job. :\

I really was looking forward to reading all those details in reply #7, but I got so frustrated with passages like "Full body erection." and "...pull the ears off the pants..." that I gave up. I need to learn how to read Thai.
Hope our Thai members can translate more details.

If only the Google translator did a better job. :\

I really was looking forward to reading all those details in reply #7, but I got so frustrated with passages like "Full body erection." and "...pull the ears off the pants..." that I gave up. I need to learn how to read Thai.
White men excite me than chocolate guys. I would love take him ti my home and rape him. Please, It's a pleasure ti ser more posts like this!!