Loyal dog refuses to leave friend - Japanese Tsunami aftermath


Forum Resident
Sep 8, 2009

Found this video the other day. Sad. They featured it on the news and said that the Japanese tsunami, like Hurricane Katrina, displaced thousands of pets. Many animals like these guys are abandoned and homeless.

Do you guys think any of these animals will get help from people?
Maybe poor doggie sniffed someone alive?
Doubtful; animals, unlike most humans I currently encounter (except for here of course!) actually have genuine empathetic motivations and take care of each other. Canine packs, Feline prides, Piscine schools . . . while we humans are more than well on our way to extinction, the animals are still taking care of each other . . . which is not to say it's all sweetness & light in the animal world, it isn't, but they generally only kill from necessity & then very quickly . . . my animals always give me unconditional love, which is of course way above & beyond what can be expected from a human in these troubled & traumatic times . . .