Handsome Fit 23 yo Jonas Wesley Ferreira de Souza Executado

Jesus he was absolute doll hope we can find more pics or video thanks for finding him. :bow::stroke::5 stars:
Jonas looks outstanding in his topless portrait. I disapprove of his executado.
what a beautiful boy - id love to slowly strip his body and lick every inch with my tongue
Looks like someone shot him low, in the lower front, near the top of his jeans. He fell down face forward, and the finished him off by shooting him in the upper back.

That sounds like a fun job. i hope the guy straddled his body and held his waist between his feet, and he pumped a couple of bullets into his back. That way, he could feel the guy's body jump as he shot him dead.
Such a hottie ! .... would love to see that gorgeous ass in just his undies ! :yummy2::stroke::load:
He was into extreme sports, so fit and full of life
