Fucking Bad Dream I had


Staff member
Oct 7, 2008
Rarely have nightmares but when I do they scare the shit out of me.

I was with my family - mom, dad sis.

We were outside near our car and enjoying a view from a hill when we saw kids running up towards up.

Then I saw some kids were trying to steal our car and even managed to remove one of the doors!

Dad and I ran down and tried to chase them. Thats when I "saw" one of them pulled a gun.

I said, "OMG, he has a gun".

Thats when we panicked and spread. Dad ran one way, mom and sis the other.

I managed to get behind a door in a bulding nearby but one kid was after me.

I said I couldn't just hide away. So I waited him to get closer then suddenly opened the door and smashed him right in the face.


Thats when I woke up scared as shit, covered in sweat. My heart was beating fast.


Ohh shit, what was this all about.

I remember a saying, "One persons nightmares are another ones reality"...


I've been in bad situations in real life too. I got beaten up on a busy intersection in Sofia.

In August mom, dad and I got chased in our car by some psycho but I am very evil boy and people really try to attack me so he gave up so he said, "I will come back for you," and I said, "just die motherfucker".

That was real.

I also beat some gypsy boys on the metro and they came back after me - three of them - but I went straight for them and put my hand on around one and said, "is there a problem"

No he replied and I got off at my station, knowing that if they came after me I was lost.

very very bad real life situations.

But those fucking nightmares freak me out.
Sounds like you are trying to comfront some obsticle in life. I am not really into the whole translating of dreams all the time, but sometimes it can be true. It could also mean you protect loves ones as well.

I am lucky as I can control my dreams. I've been able to do it since I was a teenager. It is a great way to escape life, it's great fun as well. The secret is awareness. If you can know you're dreaming while you are dreaming, you can control it.


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Looking at some of my dreams - you'd think I was bat-shit crazy. I'd love if there was some machine that would record dreams.
Some say our dreams are what we fear.

I am very claustrophobic, I have a recurring dream that I am in a very small crawl space in the ceiling of our motor home. There is no such space there.

I wake up covered in sweat, and gasping for air. I'm so upset about it I cant go back to sleep.
Some say our dreams are what we fear.

I am very claustrophobic, I have a recurring dream that I am in a very small crawl space in the ceiling of our motor home. There is no such space there.

I wake up covered in sweat, and gasping for air. I'm so upset about it I cant go back to sleep.

I am so sorry jayde, sounds terrifying.

:sm (41):

So you feel uncomfortable in enclosed spaces? Sorry to ask you such a stupid question, I don't understand what it is like to be claustrophobic.
It is very terrifying.

Its a feeling like you cant breath, you start to panic, that makes it worse. Its not a stupid question.

I have watched a movie before where they buried a girl alive in a coffin. It was so horrifying I couldn't watch anymore of it. And I couldn't stop thinking about it.

I have been like this all my life.
Damn it, from what you saying I am glad I don't have it.

So you try to avoid enclosed space, what about cars? Do you feel comfortable in car?
No, cars are fine. Its more small spaces, and if its dark, it makes it worse.

That's why when I die, I will be cremated, there is no way in hell I'm going underground, in the dark, with dirt on me.

Your lucky you dont know what its like.
I love reading about people's dreams. I have some very cool ones but most of the time they have a weird twist or strange edge to them.
If it isn't a bad dream to start off with, then ultimately something in it will happen to put me off.
I usually dream about things that bother me in my life. Sometimes they make no sense at all. I have a dream book around here somewhere, I will have to look for it.