Death Rates in Russia and Europe (statistics + analysis); bottleneck events


Staff member
Oct 7, 2008
There is one country in the world where young males are dying at an astonishg rate.

No its not Brazil.

In Russia two million men die from alcohol intoxication every year, and ten million people die in car wrecks.

The population of Russia will shrink by an amazing 50% by 2050 if current trends continue.

Due to the low birth rate and abnormally high death rate, esp of men, Russia's population has seen a drastic decline as the graph below shows.


1997-1998 was a year when the Russian economy collapsed, this resulted in a high-death rate that continue to this day and cannot be reversed although in 2008 the death rate didn't increase as drastically as the years before.

The situation is similar in other countries from the former Soviet Block, namely Ukraine and Bulgaria.

The situation is very bad in Italy too. Some cities have very high death rate and extremely low birth rate.

Young men continue to live with their parents up to their mid-thirties because salaries are low housing is expensive and its difficult to get a job.

These guys are referred as bamboccioni - "grown up babies."

In Europe, France's population is increasing because the French have a good birth-rate and living standrads are high, good food and beutiful climate.

In twenty years France will be the most populous nation in Europe, overtaking Germany.

And here is a striking example.

In 2004 in western Europe for every 100 births there were 102 deaths. In Russia, there were 100 births to 200 deaths.

On a global scale the earth's human population is increasing.

But 75,000 years ago a great catastrophe reduced the human population to less than 10,000.

The catastrophic Toba supervolcano eruption near Sumatra nearly wiped out humans off the face ot the earth.

Sumatra is earh'ts most dangerous island and was the scene of the Deadlest tsunami in history - the 2004 tsunami.

Sumatra has supervolcanos, megathrust earthquakes, also a transform fault runs the entire length of the island.

There are strong earthquakes there daily as the Indian plate is being subducted by the overriging burma plate.

Scientists fear another devastating earthquake will occur in the same region in the next ten years.