Cutedeadguys Shutting Down?

Fucking really? the fuck why?
No fucking fair.

Wait, I applied for super elite last night. What now?
Pathetic that this happened when we were ready to release so much new content.

Everybody stay calm and if the site goes down you can reach us via our support email:
I've been here since the early beginning i think. Sad. Thank you for all. Bye guys :bow::bow::bow:
I feel the closure of this site, my favorite for many years. Thanks to those who have made it possible all this time, I hope and wish that new projects arise, although it is very difficult to match this forum.
Dear Meatpie

SAD news. OK. I have just recently discovered the ISIS collection and loved it. But I see how many comments, which were just sexual fantasy running amok, could be used against the site. In a way, what happened to us about ISIS now, is what you always endeavored to prevent by prohibiting sexual posts on photos of dead underage boys. Damn.

Keep my email address, keep everybody's email address. Send a general message asking permission to keep our email addresses and to use them to recreate a place where this great community can stay together. You hereby have my permission.
Welcome back everyone. There is a lot of censorship and hate on the internet for communites like ours. They will always be people who will be willing to see us erased from the internet.

Thanks to financial support from members we are back online even stronger and more united than before! :cheers:

CDG is now an impenetrable fortress we have new protection against DDoS attacks and our server is blazing fast.

Our elite members are true soldiers standing guard and protecting the whole community. Every member can make a difference by sending a small donation for the community.
Wow, we're back! Thanks Meatpie and congratulations - I don't know how you managed it but you have!
And like Topinrome sort-of says, if you need to tighten up on one or two things to keep us safe from the threats that an inpenetrable server can't protect us against, then you have my support - if needs must then needs must, I trust your judgement on how far we can go and still survive as the great community that we are.
Love and kisses!
Evening DD & welcome back!:super couple:

We received a lot of support from members in donations also hundreds of emails from people asking how they can help.

I am humbled by the outpouring of support for the community.

When we stick together we can achieve great things and defeat our enemies.

You will also notice that pages load much faster as CDG server now boasts impressive response times. :super happy:
stupid people.. Frredom of the press is something they seem to hold dear when it suits them

The retarded logic of shutting down a site of mostly gay fantasists and Necrophiles for sympathizing with ISIS is just completely mind boggling.

Let me say, it is not my cup of tea but what I deeply respect is that this site shows the reality for what it is, it will post unedited pics showing the reality of dead children in Bhuddist familes lying face up in puddles, not because it supports it but because the real world deserves to know the reality of what is Happening in the world and not ONLY the side where Muslims are the ones running away to create a lie from fabricated and selective truths. I respect that both sides are posted and you wont find that anywhere in mainstream media.. Or even lower stream media for that matter

If they want to shut down Islamic supportive websites then really they should look closer to the media and more notably in my country Channel 4 News. They are traitorous to the UK and an absolute disgrace. they call themselves alternative because they are alternative, they should rename themselves the Aljihadi Channel because that's all they speak about.. Muslims Muslims Muslims.. One thing that infuriated me was once on their Facebook page they had tape on their mouths in support and protest for Al-Jazeera Media... CONVICTED TERRORISM SYMPATHIZERS... Another equally infuriating was a cover photo of Muslims with black arabic flags parading a middle eastern city..

And by the way I am blocked on social media by Channel 4 News because I am not afraid to confront them on this

them c**ts are not Private... They broadcast on the TV and social media everyday.. look closer to home for fucks sake before coming here.

Congratulations Meatpie, well done and Thank you. I love this site because it is the only one I can be myself... open up even about what is in my crazy little head. stuff I'd never do but stil
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Thank you glad you like it here. My accounts are also banned on reddit, twitter, youtube for providing real life news and opinion which sometimes includes graphic content.

99% of people on Earth want to live in denial of death and don't want to leave their comfort zone by seeing nasty things happening to other humans.

But shit happens every day just come to our morgue and you will see what the real world is all about.
Great Job Meatpie ! Knew you had the cahones to carry it off. :kissess:
CDG, back and better than ever.
Ive been waiting YEARS to join this site and now its finally getting shut down? Today my dreams got crushed and destroyed.
I am sorry to see this go this site has not produced hate why then now do they claim this