Some burnt men have a seeming erection or the penis stump points directly into the sky.
Can anyone explain this? You can see picures of soldiers on burned tanks or planes.
As a total fire-lover and fire-player, I can tell you from personal experience that fire and heat are major stimulants. I regularly burn myself to cum!
There is actually a very scientific reason for male cocks to stand attention when they are burning or burnt, when the blood heats up it expands and that will flow into areas that are easily engorged, like the cock! This even occurs in long dead corpses getting cremated.
I've watched many videos of men getting burnt alive, and in all of them when you can see their cocks, they get huge erections! I've even seen videos with the man ejaculating as he burns! Life Loving Life!
Chris, there are some around if you hunt, including in this forum.
Best Gore and Documenting Reality have some photos and videos of men getting burnt alive. Unfortunately most seem to get pulled down pretty fast. I've only stumbled on a couple with the man ejaculating, and they may have been fake, but looked very real. I regularly burn myself to cum, but usually with a helping hand, or a stake that I hump while I roast my butt over an open flame. There are a few shots of mine in the Fire Group, one taken just before I came.