Explosion in Leningrad magasin/mall supposed act of terror

Have the names of any Russian cities been changed to Putingrad yet?
Have the names of any Russian cities been changed to Putingrad yet?

Of course they have. Moscow will be named Great Putinsk since january 1, 2018. St Petersburg is changing it's name to Fsbinsk. Central streets in Moscow will be named as "Prospect of Invasion-in-europe", "Trump-election square" and "Boulevard of spies".
Of course they have. Moscow will be named Great Putinsk since january 1, 2018. .

:wtf: Many people in Bulgaria believe it was Russian military in Syria who helped put an end to ISIS European cities were under constant attack from terrorists in 2015, 2016 and 2017. Hundreds of civilians killed. I personally think Russia once again saves Europe from destruction.
Putin is a no-nonsense leader who runs a tight ship, and I respect that quality in him. I feel like the U.S. was ill-served by eight years of that wimp, Obama, and G. W. Bush, the moron, was even worse. I didn't like Bill Clinton, the whoremaster, either. I'm not suggesting I want Putin in charge of the U.S., but Trump seems to share some of Putin's intolerance for bullshit, and that is needed.