
  1. D


  2. W

    The fascinating thing about James "Where you from" poll

    After a boyhood and puberty and college, until not so long ago, I thought I was the only "weird" guy in the world that had turn ons like me. Then I met a few guys at other sites and IRC - but not that many. But a site like this with thousands of members and probably thousands more unregistered...
  3. C

    Another Captive French Soldier

    What to do with this guy ?
  4. metalmachine

    Hot Cuttie!!!! - I hope no repost

  5. metalmachine

    Killed by Police

    Erickson Thiago Honório da Silva, 25
  6. D

    CSI NY Command+P

  7. verlup1

    Duct taped unruly flight passenger

    HAHAH! http://gma.yahoo.com/blogs/abc-blogs/raging-airplane-passenger-duct-taped-seat-165526162--abc-news-topstories.html
  8. Meatpie

    Young guy sniffs his own smelly sneakers, eats his dirty socks and sucks his own toes

    Awesome dude.
  9. Meatpie

    Inspecting a dead fattie...

    Most of the dudes look grossed out....
  10. phyzzique

    Unidentified hottie had his hands tied, was tortured, and then shot in the head

  11. Brian2012

    Stuck in the Wrong Part of Town.

    This guy has missed his bus and is stuck in the wrong part of town at night. What's gonna happen to him?
  12. Meatpie

    Footballer Vaclav Drobny dies in sledding crash at 32 just three days before New Year

    Happy new year...in morgue. Vaclav Drobny had big plans for 2013 Hottie footballer Vaclav Drobny croaked in a sledding accident today aged just 32. Dude skidded off a piste and crashed into a tree in the Czech winter resort of Spindleruv Mlyn, some 140 kilometres northeast of Prague. The...
  13. phyzzique

    Handsome dude dies in car on Christmas, seat belt didn't save him........

  14. C

    self hanging

    hey guys...ok so i find it massively erotic to tie a belt round my neck and wank. i always cum so hard...trouble is i want to get to the point where i pass out - any tips?
  15. verlup1

    Hot Arab guy lured to his death by a lady.

    Quick scene but he's a hottie, nice dark socked feet too, and the bad guy's a hunk too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?list=UUYxVNv_Be86ZbuOsx887M3A&feature=endscreen&v=oyAUc0dUARw&NR=1
  16. verlup1

    Handsome killer killed

    Such a hottie he was! http://news.yahoo.com/4-dead-3-children-injured-shootings-calif-024019496.html
  17. Destroymykok

    I'd like to be snuffed in special sort of way

    Maybe lots of fun first (not essential though) My kok tortured/damaged to destruction. You choose how. Once thats done please yourself really but nice & slow if poss. I dont expect there's anyone out there will make it happen but Hey if there is I'm ready & waiting
  18. Meatpie

    Fit Fighter

  19. S


  20. B

    Desire To Be Strangled in Albany, NY !!!

    Take control of me and strangle me. Tie me up. Enjoy my body bouncing around as your hands get tight around my neck. You can be creative. Strangle me with bare hands, gloved, choke hold with your arm, cord,. If you desire you can do breath control. Tied plastic bag on my face and choke me...