suicide jump

  1. Meatpie

    Suicide jumper with crazy socks lands on pipes

  2. Meatpie

    37-year-old jumps from 25th floor in Philadelphia dies on impact

    Sean McGrellis, 37, of Williamstown, New Jersey, died of multiple blunt impact injuries after jumping from the 25th floor after jumping from an Embassy Suites Hotel balcony in Center City. <object id="player" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" name="player" width="575"...
  3. Meatpie

    29-year-old lawyer jumps from 29th floor of a skyscraper in Campo Grande, Brazil

    Family members told police dude was being treated for depression and also he recently split up with his girlfriend. Entire hairy leg was ripped off on impact and a piece of his spine was also found several metres away.
  4. pash992006

    Hong Kong muscle stud suicide

    32-year-old ex-vice CEO of a Hong Kong financial investment bank Justin Chen was found dead after allegedly having had an argument with his 31-year-old male partner and hit his head to the ground from the third floor window. Police investigation of the cause of death is underway. Some other...
  5. Meatpie

    34-year-old jumps from the 14th floor in Moscow

    His chick lept minutes before. Both were heady drug users. <object id="player" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" name="player" width="575" height="362"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="allowfullscreen"...