
  1. yourtrophyhead


    C'mon Northern New England guys ... I know that you're out there. Let's discuss the possibilities & make them realities.
  2. metalmachine

    Chubby Dad dead with Deathstare

    José Galdino de Souza Filho, 43
  3. StiffBoy

    2 Beheading Captives

    ........................................:totally hot: From Al Qaeda (Pakistan) in Blood Spurting Execution (Uncensored HQ) Man wears Plastic on Hands and Feet (Action start at 1 minute 40 sec.) *Click image to VIEW...
  4. D

    Castrated but dead or suffering alive

    Hey guys, I'm new here. I'm 27 years old and I've been interested in emasculation fantasy, real and psychological, forever. I guess I want to throw the question out to you folks: do you find it more of a turn-on to see a hot guy be castrated and then killed or be allowed to live and suffer his...
  5. Meatpie

    Life, Death and Entropy

    In this post I will try to explain my view on life and death read on if you dare it's grim and complicated yet I am sure some of you will find it fascinating. I will use generalizations in order to make this post on a complex subject shorter and more easy to grasp, this is not meant to be a...
  6. Meatpie

    Fatal road wreck in Ukraine
  7. Demon

    One of the cutest guys I ever seen

  8. H

    Bulls goring matadors

    I’m not sure anyone actually dies in any of these videos, but watching hunky guys getting impaled, trampled and kicked (only half) to death by really pissed off bulls can still be fun to watch. 1. Handsome matador is gored and lifted into the air screaming and writhing around, impaled at the...
  9. Meatpie

    Severe drought hits Central Africa, millions are starving including many children

    A potentially catastrophic food crisis in the Sahel region of West and Central Africa could affect as many as one million children. The food and nutrition crisis resulting from a severe drought, threatens the survival of an entire generation of children. Those children in eight countries -...
  10. abusaid


  11. Craigie Boy


    If a psychotic paedophile started suffering from delusions that he was receiving messages from God - if he wrote a filthy book about how God had told him to make war on Mankind, conquering and enslaving all non-believers, how it was okay to subjugate women and stone them to death if they broke...
  12. Craigie Boy

    Murderous Sect

    If a psychotic paedophile started suffering from delusions that he was receiving messages from God - if he wrote a filthy book about how God had told him to make war on Mankind, conquering and enslaving all non-believers, how it was okay to subjugate women and stone them to death if they broke...
  13. D


    hello everyone
  14. Simondc26

    Muscle Guy

    What you would do to this guy? I strangle with my bare hands
  15. Sophya

    Morals (belyefs)

    'Thought of makyng a thread about morals and belyefs, not only because of 'nterest'n the communytyes opynyons, but because am currently confused myself. When do you know that you 'cross' a boundary? How can we defyne what a boundary really's? There's just so much 'space' to experyment on 'deas...
  16. ArrowMan

    GOOD FRIDAY & Easter reflection

    A GOOD (Black) FRIDAY and Easter reflection ... April 6, 2012 AD In reflecting on this day, Good (Black) Friday, how I understand the Big Picture is that WE ALL have fallen short of the glory of God. Each and every one of us. For in this world, we are cast about between both The Angels and...
  17. blackheart327

    Odd quirk

    I hate blood in my gore pics. WellI guess that I don't really hate blood. Its just that I like my gore pictures to have the red meat and the bone showing instead of having blood covering everything up. I'm thinking in paticular of decapitations, I love em and they are really the bigest part of...
  18. satanic-cumshot

    Young man Tortured and Executed in Guerrero-Mexico

  19. bartlebartleby2

    execution in historic films

    BORGIA better (bigger) pictures from the execution scenes in episode 2 and 5
  20. S

    Assad Tortures Militaty Defectors

    Syrian dictator Amar Assad tortured these men to death over a period of month after they defected from the Syrian army and hid in various houses. The were burned, electrocuted and mutilated having eyes gouged out jaws ripped off. This damage wasn't done after they died. It was done deliberately...