run over

  1. B

    Necrophilia in other species.

    Came across some interesting articles I thought folks on here might like. "....he witnessed males having sex with other males and also with dead females, including several that had died the previous year. He...
  2. jon_b

    New Year Hit & Run

    What a start to the new over..skull smashed..naked ass exposed..and a full set available in our CDG Secret Room available now for Elite Members to collect now :yes:
  3. Meatpie

    Horrible but this is real life...Man run over by truck before New Year's

    Be careful later today guys, just because it's New Year's it doesn't mean people will stop dying!
  4. Meatpie

    Man run over by car in Mexico

  5. Meatpie

    19-year-old jumps under train in Russia

  6. StiffBoy

    DEAD P.R.I.S.O.N.E.R.S...!

    :totally hot: Syria in Artouz, in Damascus. These Detainees were stabbed to death and many had their throats slit and they were then run over by Tractors by the Assad Loyalist Forces *Click image to CONTINUE
  7. Meatpie

    Young guy with hairy cock run over by car

  8. PiercedChest

    Two students killed

    Two students from Nijmegen University in the Netherlands were run over by a car and died. They were lying on a narrow road at night. From the newspapers: The students had visited the pop concert Appelpop and were too late to take a train home. They were run over by a 27-year old driver at 4:30...
  9. Meatpie

    Run over by bus

  10. Meatpie

    Tall hairy man run over by a car ► Head & Face Obliterated◄

    Join our Secret Room for more exclusive gore sets! We add new content every day No watermarks, no censorship.
  11. Meatpie

    Two guys run over and squashed under truck tyres

  12. Meatpie

    Man run over by truck

  13. phyzzique

    Cycle Acidente

    Raimundo de Aquino, 36....morto run over by car
  14. Meatpie

    Last moments of life: Man run over takes final breaths

  15. T

    Cute Young Guy Gets Unsuccessful CPR - then ends up on the Slab!!!

    I found these on youtube today as i was looking through pages with cpr clips. I hope you all enjoy!!!! -Tromboner In the ER: In the Morgue: I hope you...
  16. rockstar

    17 yo run over by a truck

    17-year-old motorcycle rider was run over by a truck in Thailand. Intestine exposed and his penis was destroyed.
  17. Meatpie

    My cousin was run over by a car, mom's cousin is coming home feet first

    My retarded cousin, 16 was run over by a car the other day. Amazingly he survived but was in hospital. Yesterday mom's cousin Nasko, 50 become a stiff corpse. He smoked a lot and croaked from lung cancer. Poor dude. He was handsome, fit and hairy as a younger dude, my sister fancied him and I...
  18. Angel Lust

    run over truck

    :rude_churnit::rude_churnit::pass out:
  19. UNickMaker

    Phone Castration

    Love to talk to hot guys who encourage me to use castration bands on my cock and balls and to leave them on for sometime. Also to tighten a vice around my nuts until they nearly pop. Poppers are used on my end. Also into hearing about all kinds of disgusting and socially condemned...
  20. L

    little chinese kid gets run over and no one cares

    Fucking Chinese, this little boy gets run over and everyone walks or drives by pretending they didn't notice: