
  1. S

    Story Request

    I was wondering if I could get someone to write a story about doing what's pictured below to me. I'm quite submissive guy, and I'm really into the idea of being turned limbless, then cockless, then gutted and my throat cut. A fantasy where a lover/boyfriend fulfills this wish would be amazing...
  2. D

    Dark web vids, anyone knows a good vid? Share it

    I post this, for people share good vids in the dark web, to anyone see it, i dont know how to use it right, so if anyone recommend a good site of necro and stuffs i will thank him so much. Fell free to teach me, or share it AND A rest of a good fap :fast jerk::stroke:
  3. ChrisJackson

    How do I delete PM's?

    I am getting a message telling me I have to free up room to get more PM's, but I cannot find how to do that. Can someone help? Thanks!
  4. deaddirty

    Suicide in Japan

    Just tried a search using Japanese characters for 'suicide', and this is all I got Not sure how hey did it - think one guy used a brazier of charcoal to give himself a nice warm roomful of carbon monoxiide. So the question is - given that suicide, by all sorts of methods including lots of...
  5. phyzzique

    Nice looking 19 yo Jeferson Passos executado

    Written on Jeff's chest: "Love You Mom"
  6. Meatpie

    YAHOO ANSWERS: How can I get cutedeadguys and bestdeaths shut down permanently?

    A gay dude on Yahoo called Noah Maxxima has posted this question and got some funny replies. I found his profile here, sad fuck lives in Canton, Georgia. Anyone got his facebook?
  7. phyzzique

    OMG Very fit dude was found in Rio Paraná

    CDG was found by fisherman. Shot at least 15 times fit victim was then gutted to remove the bullets and replaced with rocks to weigh dead dude down in the water so he would not float......didn't work
  8. StiffBoy

    ASS LOVER W.O.W !!!

    :totally hot: I WOULD F.U.C.K. ALL OF THEM ! Thumbs up to all of them Wow love it, Yummy!!! Which is your F.A.V.O.R.I.T.E. :question mark:
  9. brian56321

    Exhumed (2013)

    A hot guy is killed by being pushed down stairs while wearing only boxer shorts. His body is then embalmed and several scenes are shown where his body is played with and moved about by a creepy girl who admires him.
  10. phyzzique

    CDG Marinaldo da Silva assassinado with nice legs and feets

  11. D

    My Latest Stabbing Video

    Here's a still from my new video. The clip is about 245 mb - 4 minutes plus an additional four minutes of outtakes. Here's the link to the dowload: Frank
  12. H

    Hello! I have a question...

    So you guys might be familiar with that man from Budapest that got ripped in half when his motorcycle hit a telephone pole. I was wondering whether any of you guys have a video of that because some people outside CDG said it exists. They said the man was still alive and even tried to talk to...
  13. M

    2 Teens Killed in Alleged Sex Video Blackmail Plot
  14. StiffBoy

    ♥ H.O.T. CORPSES TO LOVE !!!

    :totally hot: Do u remember in 2011 (Fresh & hot corpses) :question mark: *Click image if u want to see it A.G.A.I.N...!
  15. jon_b

    best foot forward

  16. G

    hey. i am from china.i have a question!

    hey,i very like here.but why i cant see the video with my chrome.who can help me!!
  17. PiercedChest

    Executed with 3 shots in his head

    Looks like someone was fooling around with his death pose and rigor mortis.
  18. yourtrophyhead

    Cute 20 year old soccer ref quartered & beheaded on field by fans They stuck his cute head on a stake in the field.
  19. J

    videobam question

    hey I have some videos on my gmail and was curious how to post them on videobam. can anyone help
  20. stustustugoo

    it better stop

    whom ever it may have been that somehow obtained my home phone and called me lastnight and identified themselves as a CDG member and threatened me for no apparent reason had better quit, your screwing with the wrong family here!!!!