
  1. Art Of War

    Earth Death by Earthquakes

    At times I am in doubt that the Earth will last until the Sun slowly kills it, millions of years from now. Fault lines acts like hairline fractures on the earths crust which grow larger and larger in time and connect with other hairline fractures becoming one large fracture. Fractures can...
  2. X

    Very mild "cannibal" fantasy

    It might be strange for me to be here, since I have no necro fetish. In fact, I am absolutely turned off by gores, deaths, bloods and the like. That is why I do not see most of the content of this forum. However, oxymoronically I do have mild, "soft-core" cannibal fantasy. Purely fantasy...
  3. phyzzique

    30 yo Robson Poli shot then run over

  4. ArrowMan


    BREAKING NEWS: February 11, 2013 .. 9:00 AM CST POPE BENDICT XVI to ABDICATE Dateline Rome --- Pope Benedict through a spokesperson just announced he will abidicate the Papal Office this coming February 28, 2013. This will be the first such abdication of a Pope since Gregory XII in 1415...
  5. Meatpie

    National Geographic Photo Contest 2012

    MURSI TRIBE LADY At around puberty, females cut their lower lip and install a clay plate in the opening. As time goes by the plate stretches the hole and a bigger disk is put in. Those plates can easily reach 7 inches in diameter! Lower teeth are often removed to make the lip plate sit...
  6. yourtrophyhead


    C'mon Northern New England guys ... I know that you're out there. Let's discuss the possibilities & make them realities.
  7. B

    "I Don't Want To Go On The cart!"

    I found this recently and it is titled "Brazil gang violence". pardon if this is a repost. Interesting pic for those who like to see loads of bodies.
  8. PiercedChest

    Hanging turns into beheading

    Sorry if these are reposts (I'm not a hanging expert), even so I hope this bizarre set deserves a second (third, ...) viewing: OOPS, dropped him a bit too far!
  9. phyzzique

    Marcelo Santana Miranda, 25 anos

    Marcelo Santana Miranda, 25 yo CDG was shot to death along with his brother
  10. M

    Searching for Cannibal!.

    I'm normally in the roleplay but in the last time i feel as longpig and my desire is also to offer my meat... other pictures only with private email.
  11. phyzzique

    Game of Thrones

    Vardis Egen is a knight in the service of House Arryn. He was captain of Lord Jon Arryn's personal guard in King's Landing and then became captain of the guards in the Eyrie for Lord Robin Arryn and his mother, Lady Lysa Arryn Chivalry is dead and so is the impossibly handsome Ser Vardis Egen...
  12. Meatpie

    New York Times: Pacific Seabed near Japan moved 24 metres (79 feet) during Quake

    In a very interesting article from today the New York Times discusses the effect of continuing aftershocks on the Japaneese populaiton after the March 11 earthquake and the threat for another big earthquake in Tokyo area. According to the same article data from Japan Coast Guard monitoring...
  13. Angel Lust

    omg!! very cute guy have a horrible death
