
  1. T


  2. Meatpie

    Autopsy of the feet [SPECIAL POST FOR STU]

    For you babe :kissess: Rare high-res set of feet autopsy, owner was young strong dude.
  3. verlup1

    Dead socked Syrians

    Dead hunks with shoes off. Second guy gets carried around nicely.
  4. Octave

    Beautiful piece of meat.

  5. Conner

    Staring at Forever!

  6. phyzzique

    Great Legs! Motorcyclist found dead policia investigating

  7. Meatpie

    Recent spam attack

    Hi all, We have been hit hard by spammers last couple of days, we apologize for this it's very annoying and unfortunately despite our best efforts some spam messages remain. Thanks to all members who reported spam posts. Please note that this time the attack has been especially vicious and we...
  8. phyzzique

    30 yo Cezar dos Santos morto dezenas de tiros

  9. M

    Story: Mercenaries kill stoned punks

    They had scoped out the kill and were ready. They didn’t know who the client was. Sometimes the client was private and sometimes it was a government contract. It didn’t matter. All they needed to know was who the targets were and whether they were supposed to die easy or hard. This job...
  10. phyzzique

    Duas vítimas fatais motorcycle acidente

  11. Meatpie

    Female Autopsy Photos

  12. N

    ready for abuse

    A few hot guys ready to use and abuse...
  13. W

    Viruses and malware?

    The original post are down about 20 threads that mentions a virus was able to enter CDG members' computers and cause havoc. I was wondering if any of you knowledgeable wizards can tell me (1) is it possible for malware or viruses [I don't know the difference] can penetrate past your nick or...
  14. StiffBoy


    :bow:He been burn with fire and found there, 5 days after. Vulture start the buffet with his meat of his leg. right true his B.O.N.E.S...! WACK Ouchhh...! You can see the handcuff S.T.I.L.L.
  15. phyzzique

    Good-looking 30 yo Marcelo Barbosa executado

  16. Meatpie

    Fit young man dismembered
  17. J

    Male Model Snuff Catalog

    In the tradition of "Hostel" Choose from our catalog of Eastern European male model captives to purchase and snuff. We supply your choice of weapons and instruments of torture. Simply choose a model and tell us how you would like to snuff him and what weapon or instrument you would use.