
  1. Gomez

    attacked with a machete

    It Happens In Indonesian.. :aww man:
  2. Angel Lust


  3. 94elmwood

    ELM SUPER DUPER THREAD 11 depressed guy hangs himself plus others

    Starts with a nice chocolate hanger oor bad accidente
  4. higladius


    if you don´t like blood, don´t watch this video, if you like blood you will have a good laugh... from the director Robert Rodriguez, always over the top in his movies,from his debut with El Mariachi. Powered by VideoBam - Free Video Hosting Higladius
  5. Meatpie

    Tall dude hacked with machete [MORGUE VIDEO]
  6. Meatpie

    28-year-old Bulgarian beheads a British woman at shopping mall in Tenerife

    The bloodstained man lies on the street in Tenerife after beheading a British woman in a shop in the holiday resort A British woman was today decapitated by a madman with a machete on the holiday island of Tenerife. The crazed killer stabbed the 62-year-old a number of time before cutting off...
  7. Meatpie

    Man hacked in the back, possible machete attack
  8. J

    Bloddy Murder

  9. Tecpatl

    boy will be dead soon

    Haven't done bloodwork in photoshop in a while, so it's a little rough. But I hope it gets the point across. Or the nice sharp bloody edge.
  10. Meatpie

    Fit, strong cute barechested young man found dead in car
