
  1. phyzzique

    Patriki Kiyochi Murakami, “Japonês”, 33 anos

    In Brazil, the largest Japanese community outside of Japan.....one less of course
  2. M

    Touching every sleeping guy on the street!

    http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=KZnkq-G256- This video was AWESOME :D I know you will appreciate it :D If you wanna see more of it XD surprisingly, in xtube the world asleep or sleeping, or drunk, is banned, but not their spanish versions: dormido (asleep) dormir (to sleep) durmiendo...
  3. PiercedChest

    Guys stabbed with swords.

    Two entries, and planning more in the future.
  4. Leon

    Video-chloroformed police

    who has the full vision?!!:damn wtf:
  5. Badbloodz09

    Alive dissection

    i make it thru photoshop.. and i love it... yum yum