
  1. W

    What nationality or nationalities do you prefer?

    It's a tough one for me to answer. I need to consider it more. I really like Nordic looking guys like from Norway & Finland. But there are times when Italian or Greek dudes really make my dick switch. My favorite, if I had to make a choice...I'd really have to think about it.
  2. metalmachine

    Another Hairy Chest - Killed by Shot on the Mouth

  3. metalmachine

    Hairy Dead Chest

    Marcelo dos Santos Rodrigues
  4. R

    some hairy Another version of first:
  5. R

    Hairy washed
  6. useless bum

    Squid sausage fest

    Well, English isn't my native language. Feel free to make changes: Part 1: I live in a rural part of a small town. Yould could call it a cow town. But for the size of the town, there are lots of incidents. Maybe this is because the town is right next to a major city. That was why I started to...
  7. N

    Hi to all users

    Hello in compliance to the rules of this forum, i present myself. My user name is nomopoco is an acronym from an old store in Florida that sold porn videos of hairy woman's. Like some of the users i came here to share and explore the world of necro fetish. I have used w95/Mi/2000/xp dating back...
  8. T

    Hairy Dude in the Midst of Seizures

    Something about an out-of-control hairy guy is a real turn-on!