
  1. D

    I need your help!

    I have this thing for girls drowning, smothering, strangling any form of asphyxiating a male to death.. I'm new to this scene kind of and don't know where to find videos, and stories etc. I don really like it when it's brutal.. I like it more feminine and sexy.. Xenia onatopp from golden...
  2. phyzzique

    21 yo CDG Cláudio Araújo shot in the eye

  3. S

    Passed out eyes open

    Went out with this guy he had too much to drink. He passed out and it was like he was dead played with his whole body....He's 6'2 and has huge feet too btw
  4. phyzzique

    CDG 25 yo Bad Boy Fagner da Silva morto

  5. J

    Friend comes out

    Today on Facebook one of my close friends just came out of the closet and he posted it on Facebook.... At least his parents still support him. Do any of you guys have any story's about when you first came out or is it still a secret. Mines still a secret
  6. phyzzique

    DEXTER....handsome club bouncer gets screwdriver in the eye

  7. Meatpie

    Rapist impaled in the anus

    Criminal with a long history of rape was drinking in a bar when he was jumped by friends and family of some of his victims. He was beaten shot and given a taste of his own medicine.
  8. Meatpie

    Strangled Beauty

  9. metalmachine

    Killed by Husband of his Lover

    Raymundo Neto Santos, 42
  10. Meatpie

    I don't see very well with one eye

    Two weeks ago during a routine eye exam I was told I have astigmatism and need to wear glasses. Quite a shocker but this was just the beggining.... I got a pair of prescription glasses but when I got home and put them on I felt like an alien, blurry text everywhere...so I returned them. Since...
  11. justus

    eye popping out

  12. phyzzique

    Deaded motorcyclist

  13. PiercedChest

    Dead soldiers

    Sorry, no info on where when why.
  14. A


    Who want to kill him?
  15. PiercedChest

    Did he see that coming?

  16. K

    should i upload more of his pics?

    I have a lot more and jack off videos interested?
  17. Meatpie

    Young guy shot under the eye croaks with mouth open in shock

    Every day in our Secret Room amazing new images.
  18. phyzzique

    CDG hospitalized but didn't make it

  19. Meatpie

    Awesome deathstare & open mouth

  20. metalmachine

    Necro Skull
