
  1. Meatpie

    I can't believe I am going to die

    I often take long walks and stare at the sun, pondering when and how I am gonna croak I am in denial of my own death. All your knowledge, experience, memories...erased forever. I strongly believe humans of the future will be able to extend their lives greatly still death will come for every...
  2. Destroymykok

    Am still seeking that medievil style death

    Quite simply I should be secured upside down spreadeagled. The executioner should then place an old but effective saw between my legs & start cutting down the length of my body. Although wracked with pain I should according to research remain alive & alert until the saw blade cuts the heart.
  3. Art Of War

    FUTURE I:- Time travel or Seperate Reality?

  4. Art Of War

    Gay is the new socailly acceptable cause for straight people

    Personally, when straight people say to me I have nothing against gay people followed by a socially poltie explanation. My mind goes PFFTTTT, wait and see. I do not mean to be so jaded, just my personal experience and observations. How many times have you found out someone you know that...
  5. Art Of War

    I Am Not Racist!!! Why is it when push comes to shove peoples true feelings come out?

    http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2423048/Jonathan-Ferrell-Police-shot-unarmed-man-TEN-TIMES-sought-help-car-crash.html One thing I hate most about race issues, is when someone proclaims they are not racist or predujice against another race, I have learnt from personal experience and...
  6. Choke_Me!

    The Perfect Victim!

    ....I might just be...I am from NY and I love to be choked more than anything, the longer and harder, the better! I'm looking for a guy, regardless of orientation who really wants to choke someone. I don't care if you're experience or a newbie who just wants to try it, I'm down! I NEED to have...
  7. todd00009

    Meet Hunter a new BestDeaths actor...what do you guys think?

    Introducing Hunter, our newest BestDeaths actor. His videos premiere August 21st... What do you guys think of him? Is he a keeper?
  8. phyzzique

    Modelo Danilo Brito vítima fatal acidente

    A participant Mister Brazil 2013 died in an accident involving three cars last Saturday (10) ... In the BR-324 road, between Riachão Jacuípe / Tanquinho. Danilo Brito was the only victim in fatal collision between a pickup truck Frontier, a Chevrolet Agile and a Fiat Uno. The official website of...
  9. Choke_Me!

    The Perfect Victim!

    ...I just may be... I am from NY and I love to be choked more than anything, the longer and harder, the better! I'm looking for a guy, regardless of orientation who really wants to choke someone. I don't care if you're experience or a newbie who just wants to try it, I'm down! I NEED to have my...
  10. jon_b

    best foot forward

  11. S


    Anyone tried crucifixion? Ropes not nails! I once experienced a short session and it was painful. I'd like to repeat it if I can find an experienced executioner. Crucifixion is a great show for onlookers.
  12. S

    Any cardiophiles?

    Hey, I'm hoping there might be some cardiophiles here! I don't mean like "I want to listen to your heart beating" cardiophiles, but the "I want to cut you open and see your beating heart, I want to touch it, make it suffer, maybe even stop it" kind. And to the people who don't know...
  13. P

    fainting guys

    hi everybody, new here. i'm an italian gay male turned on by the idea of watching masculine men passing out and of passing out myself... i love every single detail about fainting: eyes rolling back, mouth falling open, body getting limp (especially big, muscular arms) then collapsing and lying...
  14. C

    new site i just found

    Feel free to take a look www.kari-ngeri.com
  15. BlackWorld

    Rescuing drowning victims instruction clip

    Watch closely and be prepared, who khows some day you may get a chance to be someone's lifesaver. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=aDqOKRV79Bw&NR=1 If you have experience in lifesaving of any kind, please share here.
  16. G


    Hey guys so I'm kinda new around here and still exploring. It's nice to see so many people with similar interests, and I'm really looking forward to exploring this site.
  17. todd00009

    More Out of Control Hazing... and slow strangulation of hot Frat Boys

    Who here doesn't think about chloroforming a couple of hot, cocky frat boys, stripping them and strangling them slowly in their own cum stained beds... In this version, our cameras captured two hot English frat boys acting cocky... before they are knocked out, and slowly strangled to death...
  18. gunther654

    Looking to play with Passed out dude in LA

    Hoping to find someone within the vicinity of LA that would be willing to fall asleep pass out on pills or alcohol and let me play with them. Been wanting to do this for a while with a hot guy. Let me know if you find that this is something u want to try too.
  19. S

    Poll...What type of end my next photoshop work should include?

    I'm currently experiencing a lack of imagination :aww man:
  20. Meatpie

    Lots of people betrayed me

    Being a gay necrophile is absolutely hard it's a challenge on multiple levels - family, relationships, career. Never tell anyone you are necro, you are giving them a powerful weapon to destroy you. It's easy sitting all day behind the computer and browsing gore pics but if you like me prefer to...