
  1. phyzzique

    Handsome 18 yo Rogério Barbosa executado

    Handsome Roger was on his motorcycle when he was shot dead. No pics available except one of him covered up; so here are a few screencaps
  2. satanic-cumshot

    Civilian Stabbed with knife by Assad soldier and then Stoned by big rock to death

    beaten and tortured with knives on different parts of their body and after killing them beaten stone over their heads Very terrible clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Sve_sW8swTY
  3. N

    Ahh... you know just something stupid....

  4. Caronte

    Drowned José Edinaldo de Jesus Santos

  5. Meatpie

    Autopsy on a man who was stabbed in the head - knife embedded

  6. Meatpie

    Car keys embedded in sole during karate class

    Dude lived no amputation necessary.
  7. phyzzique

    Definite perfection

  8. Meatpie

    Young man inserts a jar of grape jelly in his anus...and it becomes jammed
