
  1. M

    hanged - by the balls

    outch, that must hurt :-)
  2. O

    pissing while dying

  3. metalmachine

  4. phyzzique

    Luiz Santos hair cutter morto

    Lou's hair cutting days are over
  5. cello9

    Naked guy gets shot by rebels

    He gets his dick chopped off.
  6. Tiff

    Are there any castration videos?

    I love castration, it seems so hot to have a guy laying on a table legs sped and the doctor cutting in and pulling them out and snipping them out. are there any video out there that shows the procedure (good quality in full plz) :drool:
  7. Z

    random gay human snuff/guro pics (drawn)

  8. closeties

    Need Info

    Can someone please tell me how to upload a video to this site? I found an awesome video of a cute guy getting CPR and I would love to share it. Thanks for any help.
  9. phyzzique

    Cadáver de Gadafi

    Direct from the meat locker where he is being stored, our favorite dictator
  10. leonardo1970


    I've read in a website that there were, Saturday 8 October 2011, one hanging in the prison of Isfahan (central Iran) and four other prisoners were punished with amputation of the limbs, according to Sharia law. These prisoners were sentenced for many cases of robbery. Article 201 of the Iranian...
  11. GodMourning

    HEY, ladies and UNgentlemen!

    Hey guys, just wanted to say Hi. Ive been browsing these forums for the last few hours and all of you seem really cool; *cough* *cough* *cough*, well, most of you. There is an xtube account with me holding people at knife point - fantasy - and with me cutting this guys dick with a knife - not...
  12. C

    Police check flexibility of corpse
  13. I

    Does anyone else cut? If so, why do you do it?

    I've cut myself for many years, I'm not sure exactly when I started. I'm not sure exactly why I do it either. It's a hard thing to explain. I like being hurt, and being cut is the most satisfying way for me. I know my limits, and I make sure never to give myself any serious injuries when I do...
  14. EthanJay22

    My story of a guy I would envy: Part 2

    "This gonna be out of his system in time?", the new voice says. "Oh yes, by tomorrow he'll be clean. By the way your ready for the other matter, correct?" "Yes, sir. I'll give him some time to get under before I get to that, like always. Make's it all go easier." They were right on him now...
  15. Tecpatl

    naked boy slits lover's throat when he cums

    From the French Canadian film Being at Home With Claude. Two naked boys fucking on the kitchen floor until one takes a knife and slits the other's throat.
  16. K

    man real postmotem

    nice video from youtube
  17. T

    Anybody from (or near) Nebraska? I'm your victim!

    Interested in genital removal (serious) and snuff by beheading or dismemberment (fantasy bordering on serious).
  18. N

    Seekn A Cutter...

    Seeks a real cutter who would enjoy taking a knife and removing my gentials, NSA fun.
  19. Meatpie

    The Zetas behead fit handsome young man and leave a huge note

    This just in from Mexico, victim hasn't been identified yet but looks like a dude in his twenties, quite fit. More exclusive pics like this in the Secret Room.
  20. Meatpie

    28-year-old Bulgarian beheads a British woman at shopping mall in Tenerife

    The bloodstained man lies on the street in Tenerife after beheading a British woman in a shop in the holiday resort A British woman was today decapitated by a madman with a machete on the holiday island of Tenerife. The crazed killer stabbed the 62-year-old a number of time before cutting off...