
  1. L

    am i alone with my fetish?

    i get aroused and attracted on guys being done cpr and defibs, sometimes chest punches, when killed guys shot or stab at the chest or heart. i also get a boner on guys vomiting or foaming blood or saliva. are there members who feels the same... when alive i breathe fast on guys with sweaty and...
  2. T

    CPR on lifeless drowned boys

  3. defibkids

    new here

    Hi, I'm new and glad to be here. I was introduced to the site by a member. I've been interested in defibrillation and cpr since I was a kid.
  4. I

    Reviving innocent chests...

    cpr-defibs..just watch... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNtqCy0hCBk&feature=youtu.be http://www.mediafire.com/?1rauebavsy7rnam and http://www.mediafire.com/?zk622ljci716kb4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4ILgfaq_go&feature=youtu.be http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhCXues31s0&feature=youtu.be
  5. T

    Anyone in North Carolina???

    Hey guys! I'm in North Carolina and I'm looking for other guys to roleplay some CPR/Defib/Resus and Morgue/playdead scenes with. I usually prefer to be the one handling the body, but for the right guy(s) i would definitely play the body :) I'm also into incorporating other roleplay fetishes...
  6. I

    abused pretty boy resus no use...cpr-defib frustrations

    too bad...
  7. phyzzique

    Jailton Francisco Ferreira, 30 morto vários disparos

    This pic is so sexy, take a real close look
  8. T

    CPR on lifeless drowned boy

  9. I

    i paid him to get cpr and be hopeless

    just some fetish and cash you can do this...be warned you can get hard the moment you compress a chest and do cpr procedures...on helpless guys
  10. T

    Post CPR/Resuscitation pictures here!

    Does anyone have any good ones?
  11. T

    POST CPR/Resuscitation VIDEOS HERE!

  12. T

    Post Resus/Reanimate Pictures here!

    If I like one enough I may just write a short story :great:
  13. Meatpie

    CPR on a drowned 18 yo

  14. Meatpie

    CPR on a drowned dude

  15. jon_b

    Youth drowns

    This youth went for a dip, and sank to the bottom - A full set of pics (without WMs) is available now in our CDG Secret Room for our Elite Members to pick up and add to their collections
  16. H

    Hanging Suicide Story Told To Me

    I was sitting at the bar and the bartender got off the phone, visibly shaken. She just got word of a friends husband hanging himself. She's a hot lady and her telling me the story made it even more thrilling. The guy had gotten in a fight with his wife and went out to the garage. After...
  17. Meatpie

    CPR on a hairy blob, blood gushing out of chest

  18. R

    death by traffic accident

  19. B

    Want a cute young guy dying repeatedly?

    Here you go then http://videobam.com/uHJBj
  20. conejo123

    some manga and anime boys

    this is my first aportation, please enjoy more...