
  1. Meatpie

    Teachers at a Roman Catholic school dance Gangnam Style half naked in YouTube video

    Teachers at a Roman Catholic school have been accused of undermining pupils’ respect for them after they filmed a spoof of the pop hit Gangnam Style complete with half-naked changing room scenes. Staff including the headmaster performed...
  2. higladius

    young soldier shoot.

    Happy 2013!! Higladius
  3. bulletskill

    Shootiing soldiers.

    Some images of Afrika Korps soldiers being machine-gunned to death.
  4. S

    Some French Hunk getting stabbed. From the French film "Criminal Lovers."
  5. T

    Chain letter 2010

    There's a really hot guy in the film 'Chain letter' called Matt Cohen. He is working out in the gym when he has his face bashed into a water fountain and is violently tortured with chains. It's hot stuff. The films availiable on Netflix USA. Will have a look for a clip. Here's a link to a pic...
  6. T

    Cute guy autopsied while alive fun starts at about 29 mins in.
  7. todd00009

    A priest and an alterboy

    BestDeaths pushed the envelope a bit with their new "holiday" film released today... A twisted priest rapes an alterboy... but when the boy threatens to tell... he strangles him to death... FORGIVE ME FATHER: Alter boy abused and strangled by a twisted Priest...
  8. S

    IMPALED from ass to mouth 06

    From the movie "El dia de los muertos" (The day of the dead) directed by Ricardo Islas
  9. M

    Video - Guy in bodybag transferred to slab

    Short but hot clip of a dead guy transferred out of bodybag onto table.
  10. M

    Random movie murders

    Again, sorry if any of these are reposts...
  11. Octave

    Beautiful piece of meat.

  12. yourtrophyhead

    Nazi Firing Squad
  13. H

    UK Hangman videos

    I think the guy was called UK Hangman and had several videos where he did a great job of hanging some guys. I was wondering if anyone ever came across any of those? Two I remember for sure were of him hanging a man that was supposed to be a prison official. His method was to use a real noose...
  14. todd00009

    Thrillermaker's new cut of NO MORE TALK finally here...

    I love this short movie. It's been bootlegged to death... but finally we got a clean HD copy available legally directly from the awesome film makers at Thrillermakers... Enjoy it, cause it may only be around for a limited time......... Todd - film maker for
  15. B

    i'm dying with my boots on!

    who like?
  16. todd00009

    Lucas needs an Autopsy IS BACK!

    One of most popular model, Lucas is back in this exclusive download from In this clip he gets a VERY crude autopsy while taking a shower. (Warning: clip contains nudity)
  17. Meatpie

    Sweet guy shot to shit
  18. todd00009

    No More Talk

    I can confirm that the THRILLERMAKER classic short film NO MORE TALK will be "legally" available on on November 21st.... Here's a sneak peak!!! -- TODD
  19. Meatpie

    Boardwalk Empire, Season 3, episode 7: Billy Magnussen gets drowned

    Billy Magnussen gets drowned naked in bathtub.
  20. V

    dick cut off