
  1. Mickael93


    two gang members shot dead in their car in Nigeria
  2. altsxman

    Drive Safe or DIE . . .

  3. Meatpie

    Seconds from death

    Young guy with bullet wounds received in ER, fully conscious and talking to doctors who try to save him but...minutes later he is covered with white sheet and carted off to morgue!
  4. jon_b

    Cute Diego killed in rollover

    Cute 19 yr old Diego was killed when he was thrown from his car when he crashed it and it rolled over ejecting him, Police say he was not wearing his seatbelt :dunno:
  5. Meatpie

    Young Russian hit by car, driver escaped

    Morgue photo after wash in our Secret Room.
  6. Meatpie

    Booze, Bar Crawls and Bulgaria [BBC Documentary]

    Dozens of young guys from the UK drown or die in accidents in Bulgaria's most popular Black Sea resort Sunny Beach. There is no morgue in Sunny Beach so all corpses are taken to nearby Burgas which has one of the busiest morgues in Bulgaria. In July and August the morgue is busy 24/7 and...
  7. phyzzique

    Almir strangled in car

  8. jon_b

    head under water

    Paper. books, car keys - all lying on the ground. He was lying on the ground too...but his face was under the water, and he was dead :dunno:
  9. jon_b

    20 yr old Anderson

    Shot dead in a bar :dunno:
  10. Meatpie

    Man living in a car shot dead

  11. Meatpie

    Three dudes in car wiped out by cistern truck in brutal Brazil wreck

  12. Meatpie

    Dismembered Young Guys in Mexico with Hairy Cocks

    I love them hairy Mexican cocks! :tognue2:
  13. Art Of War

    The Awkward Moment When You Get Caught...............?????

    What is your most awkward I got caught.........moment(s)? Mine would be 1) Naked walking around the house with a boner 2) Wanking to porn
  14. Meatpie

    Car execution

  15. Meatpie

    Two killed in Ukraine car crash

  16. Meatpie

    Zookeeper mauled to death by a Siberian tiger in Munster, Germany

    Cute: Siberian tiger Rasputin killed his keeper with a single bite to the throat after a door was left unlocked Horror: The keeper, named as Martin H, was laying out food for the tigers in their outdoor enclosure while they were inside...
  17. Meatpie

    Woman Found Dead with Face Skinned

    Murder in Mexico. Perfect teeth.
  18. Art Of War

    I Am Not Racist!!! Why is it when push comes to shove peoples true feelings come out? One thing I hate most about race issues, is when someone proclaims they are not racist or predujice against another race, I have learnt from personal experience and...
  19. Meatpie

    Anti-tank missile accident

    The victim was a military goods collector of older pieces which are not used today. He had collected various cast-off military weapons, including firearms and ammunition, and was selling them at a flea market. He had often polished military supplies in his yard. It seems that prior to the...
  20. jon_b

    Fabiano age 25

    Fabiano died of severe head trauma when he was invovled in a car smash :dunno: