Eat Me.jpeg

Eat Me.jpeg

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Tits to Rip

Tits to Rip

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Tits for Torture

Tits for Torture

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Killer or Victim

Slicing would feel so good, whether I was the slicer or the slicee.
My blood would taste good, too. I’ve tasted it before, so I know. Always eager to taste my own blood. You, too?
I'm just babbling here. But I would really get off on seeing, and feeling, my body cut and beaten and torn apart. Slowly. Could that appeal to anyone else? Sorry, I'll shut up.
As you can guess, I love my tits. Passionately. If you look closely, you can see where my tits split when I sewed weights onto them that turned out to be too heavy and they ripped off. Bloody mess…Yea! But no lasting harm. I'm still sewing but with lighter weights. Don’t scoff if you haven’t tried it. I still love doing it. And lots of guys love needles thru their tits.
Right now I’m facing the Man In The Mirror. He has two needles in each nipple. Looks so hot. Felt great as the sharp points punctured and slid smoothly thru. Felt great as The Man twisted them like a pin wheel. I love the guy in the mirror.
I stare at the bare butts in these albums. I want to slip my nose between the cheeks and sniff. Stick my tongue and taste. CDG guys have intriguing butts. Show me more. Let me explore.
Lay me on a table and chew. Your teeth deep into my flesh snd muscle. Open my belly and pull out my guts. Suck out my eyeballs. Invite a friend. I’m big enough to serve two. Make me last. I’ll try not to whimper too much…unless you like that sort of thing. But I know I will taste good because I’ve tasted my own blood and flesh. Yeah. Cannibalised myself. I’m yummy. Try me.

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