Wheelchair ramp in Clydebank, near Glasgow

[h=1]Council builds 10-level ramp for $70,000 in front of house.[/h]

The 10-level steel ramp built for disabled child in wheelchair has stunned locals

I am normally very tolerant with govts spending as I understand the pros and cons.

In this case, WTF were they thinking? and how did they get approval for it in the first place?
Approved by the local council. :tooth:

Atrocious shit.
Aye even the people in Clydebank think this is an ugly waste of money - all the family wanted was a straight ramp and they lost their front garden
So far as I am aware sharia law is not, and never will be part of the english legal system. Criminal law and punishment is totally secular so no danger of amputations or street beheadings. It is possible for two parties to agree that a contract between them is to be interpreted according to sharia but enforcement is still through the civil court system and they will not enforce an unacceptable agreement. The mosques may seek to enforce religious law within their community but are subject to the common law which takes priority in all cases.
This is why under age and/or enforced marriage is illegal as is female genital mutilation and anyone practicing it will be prosecuted under the civil law .
Funeral for slain police officer David Phillips, November 2 in Liverpool

Muslim looking lad laughed at the procession and seemed to be enjoying himself.

Muslim looking lad laughed at the procession and seemed to be enjoying himself.

I think that Meatpie has been been somewhat unfair in the comments he has made.. David Phillips was killed in the course of his duties by a hit and run criminal who was engaged in the act of theft. Horrible but so far as I am aware the criminal was Caucasian.
I have no doubt that Meatpie is correct in that a Muslim looking man behaved in appropriately as the cortège passed. I am equally certain that a non Muslim did precisely the same. Both are totally unacceptable and the fact that one is a muslim and one isn't is irrelevant. And it is sad that there is an implication that it was the Islam connection that made matters worse.
I genuinely believe that Meatpie is not racially motivated in his comments and also that we owe him so much for setting up and administering the site.. But mate, please think about what you post and its implications. Because you are respected what you say may carry more weight than a post from me or other members and I should hate to think that you might contribute to the anti islamise sentiments of some of our co members. It's almost like blaming the whole Islamist nation for the foul posts of hakas
Better too tolerant than the alternative
I will say this, while the UK is a good country you guys have it better than us in the USA right now. Considering our president is a fucking idiot and keeps putting us into severe debt. You guys exchange rate pound sterling to us dollar is excellant. Very low unemployment, good pension system, free medical care. Hell if I could I would move in with one of you guys in London or somewhere in the UK. Till we get a president that has some common sense.
I'm not sure that Britain is perfect in every way and our present government are doing their best to reduce our standards. But yes the national health service is a jewel in the crown providing first class care to everyone irrespective of income, our pensions provide a safety net for all citizens, and we still seem for the most part to retain a tolerant approach to most things. Snag is Jbarn, you seem more English than the English, obviously you were born in the wrong place.
Do you mean Lindier, that I should have been born in the UK, Do I really sound like you guys in the UK? What did you mean I was born in the wrong place??
Trying to understand your comment.
Don't worry mate, there is no criticism implied of you.
Your comments suggest that you like Britain and what we stand for. A society where the wealthy have to support the weakest through taxation and where this is seen as the norm. A society where tolerance is generally accepted although there can be exceptions, unfortunately. If this is what you believe in then perhaps you would have been better being a Brit rather than a yank.
And from my point of view it might have enabled me to make a friend who seems to have a good heart and is prepared to put his head above the parapet to support what he believes in, and that would have been an advantage too.
So yes. I think it would have been better had you been born a Brit.
I now expect a torrent of posts suggesting how it is better to be an American from people,who,disagree with me.
Actually I think that one thing differentiates between us and the Americans, your gun culture. There are illegal guns in Britain and they are used to kill,people. But we do not have a widespread culture of the right to bear arms. As a result far less people die and we have less incidents such as those which seem to happen frequently in your schools.
And it is pretty sad that whenever someone tries to sort the matter out and reduce the number of legally held guns there is an outcry and reform is scarpered by organisations such as the American rifle association who seem to think that the loss of innocent life is less important than their right to kill
Actually I think that one thing differentiates between us and the Americans, your gun culture. There are illegal guns in Britain and they are used to kill,people. But we do not have a widespread culture of the right to bear arms. As a result far less people die and we have less incidents such as those which seem to happen frequently in your schools.
And it is pretty sad that whenever someone tries to sort the matter out and reduce the number of legally held guns there is an outcry and reform is scarpered by organisations such as the American rifle association who seem to think that the loss of innocent life is less important than their right to kill

A few days ago a mentally disturbed man attacked an innocent bystander by the subway at Leytonstone in east London. He had a knife and inflicted horrific injuries but the bystander survived. It is possible, although not certain, that the attack was terrorist inspired, the assailant yelled that he was doing it for Syria, although it seems he has had mental issues for a long time.
However compare this attack, horrific though it was, to what happened at San Bernardino where the presence of guns led to fourteen deaths and multi injuries and think what might have happened had they been present at Leytonstone.
Another reason for condemning the right to bear arms and the actions of the American rifle association in putting this above the preservation of human life
Ab Fab, a great comedy series. And it highlights the British ability to laugh at ourselves. You might consider that quite a good characteristic.