undoubtedly remembering the screams of those you watched die as the current hits them from electrodes placed to insure that the shocks arent fatal or cause instant loss of consciousness but instead they get the pleasure of being cooked from their legs to their crotch by the current for the first 5 minutes of current being switched between 50 and 100 volts, then given a 5 minute break both to cool off so they wont cook too quick and they can scream nice and loud for the condemned forced to watch them. second one will probably be the other leg, then move to the upper body to finish you off. each time the current for the cycle is increased slightly during your rest period. eventually your cooked to the point that your heart no longer beats and you are dead.
This protocol would make the condemned suffer a lot. However feeling pain depends on many factors: electrode size, conductive gel, skin shaving and preparation, body hydration, sweating. I agree that execution must not be smooth.
every factor should be accounted for to make the execution a complete success, trial and error would be the best method and telling the condemned that we are using him as a Guinna pig to make future executions even more unpleasant for the condemned, figure that would be the final stage of mental abuse by the guards to make the condemned as terrified as possible the closer he gets to his end in the electric chair.
I think the most cruel penalty is long waiting time for the execution and death row procedures: light switched on 24/7, complete lack of privacy. restraints, specific clothing. The condemned must not be notified about date of execution sooner than 24 h before.
I would consider that part of the mental torture leading up to the day of the execution, the years leading up to the day of the execution being all the deprivation along with the knowing that your going to be killed, a long line of condemned on the row so you have plenty of those going before you to watch being executed knowing that their death is one closer to your own.
What's your opinion about a diaper put on the condemned, as an additional sanitary precaution and extra-humiliation?
It would depend on the situation, it would make unnecessary some quality time in the execution chamber the condemned could have cleaning up after their predecessors in the execution device. ultimately it should depend on which the guards figure is more humiliating for the condemned, to be visibly seen relieving himself as he is executed or being forced to wear a diaper.
I think a diaper is currently a routine during executions, however an alternative seems to be a condom and cotton ball in inmate's rectum.
I would suggest a rear plug instead of a diaper, to keep the smell inside him. If the jockey strap is worn backwards, it will help keep the plug in, without obstructing the view of his erupting and dripping penis.
Both stories have good points. I get moved by hanging and electrocution and gassing stories - real fantasy. I can come many times reading them over and over. Too bad so many of the stories which I have read are no longer on-line.