The Story of Chinese Dead Girls

On February 7, 2020, two Vietnamese fishermen found a red suitcase in the river. When they opened the suitcase, they were horrified. The suitcase contained a woman body without legs and head!

Vietnamese police checked the body, but her identity could not be confirmed. So they searched along the river and soon found a bag containing the head and legs. Soon, the police confirmed the woman's identity. She was a 30-year-old Chinese named Bao Danping. She just entered Vietnam last month.

So who killed Bao? The police checked the CCTV near the river. They spotted a suspicious man riding a motorcycle. Five hours later, the police caught the man. The man was 27-year-old Chinese man named Xiao Guiping. He is Bao's boyfriend. Xiao likes gambling very much, Bao gave him a lot of money. But after Xiao lost $61,000, the two got into an argument. During the argument, Xiao strangled Bao, then dismembered her body and dumped it in the river.

P1: Bao's visa

P2 and P4: Bao's body, she is wearing very fashionable and sexy. Although she is a little fat, she is still a beauty

P3: Bao’s head and legs. Her feet are painted with beautiful red nail polish.

A famous case that occurred in Anhui Province, China. Guo Chunniu is a 35-year-old teacher at Anhui Polytechnic University (PHTU) . He got married in 2012, but in February 2019, he met a sophomore girl named Xin Yanhan. Xin is very beautiful and Guo falls in love with her. He lied that he was single and began to pursue this girl who was 19 years younger than him. Xin was deceived by him and they became a couple in April 2019.

But the two were not happy together. They quarreled frequently. Guo threatened Xin that if she left him, he would make her fail the exam. On June 29, 2019, Xin called the police because Guo beat her. After the police's mediation, they broke up peacefully. But Guo continued to harass Xin. His mental state is becoming increasingly abnormal.

On the afternoon of September 19, 2019, Guo put the dagger and the collected hair of Xin into a black bag, rode his bike to the school gymnasium and waited for Xin to finish class. After Xin and her roommate came out of the gymnasium, Guo followed them to the dormitory. After a while, Xin came out of the dormitory alone and walked out of the school, and Guo continued to follow her. At the school gate, Xin found Guo following her, and the two quarreled. In order to get rid of Guo, Xin ran across the street, Guo caught up with her and stabbed Xin dozens of times with a dagger. Xin fell to the ground and died. Guo committed suicide with a knife, but did not hurt his vital parts. He was sent to the hospital. Guo was finally arrested by the police.

Later, although Guo claimed that he was mentally ill, he was tested and found to be normal. Finally, on November 20, 2020, Guo was sentenced to death.

P1 and P2: Photos from the scene. Xin did not die immediately. From the posture of her hands and feet, it was obvious that she was in great pain. The man who disgusted her was lying next to her, and her leg were placed on the man's penis. The convulsions before her death were the last time she gave Guo a massage

P3 and P4: Xin's photo before her death. She was a very beautiful girl. But it was obvious that she was very ignorant about love. She believed Guo's lies, fell in love with the wrong person, and eventually lost her life.

A famous case that occurred in Anhui Province, China. Guo Chunniu is a 35-year-old teacher at Anhui Polytechnic University (PHTU) . He got married in 2012, but in February 2019, he met a sophomore girl named Xin Yanhan. Xin is very beautiful and Guo falls in love with her. He lied that he was single and began to pursue this girl who was 19 years younger than him. Xin was deceived by him and they became a couple in April 2019.

But the two were not happy together. They quarreled frequently. Guo threatened Xin that if she left him, he would make her fail the exam. On June 29, 2019, Xin called the police because Guo beat her. After the police's mediation, they broke up peacefully. But Guo continued to harass Xin. His mental state is becoming increasingly abnormal.

On the afternoon of September 19, 2019, Guo put the dagger and the collected hair of Xin into a black bag, rode his bike to the school gymnasium and waited for Xin to finish class. After Xin and her roommate came out of the gymnasium, Guo followed them to the dormitory. After a while, Xin came out of the dormitory alone and walked out of the school, and Guo continued to follow her. At the school gate, Xin found Guo following her, and the two quarreled. In order to get rid of Guo, Xin ran across the street, Guo caught up with her and stabbed Xin dozens of times with a dagger. Xin fell to the ground and died. Guo committed suicide with a knife, but did not hurt his vital parts. He was sent to the hospital. Guo was finally arrested by the police.

Later, although Guo claimed that he was mentally ill, he was tested and found to be normal. Finally, on November 20, 2020, Guo was sentenced to death.

P1 and P2: Photos from the scene. Xin did not die immediately. From the posture of her hands and feet, it was obvious that she was in great pain. The man who disgusted her was lying next to her, and her leg were placed on the man's penis. The convulsions before her death were the last time she gave Guo a massage

P3 and P4: Xin's photo before her death. She was a very beautiful girl. But it was obvious that she was very ignorant about love. She believed Guo's lies, fell in love with the wrong person, and eventually lost her life.

You are good story teller, i am enjoying the narration. Waiting for next behind the dead stories
Phuket is a famous holiday resort. Every year, thousands of Chinese people go on holiday in Phuket. But some of them would never have thought that they would lose their lives during vacation.

The accident occurred on July 5, 2018. Two yachts sank in a storm while returning to Phuket. A yacht named Phoenix was carrying 101 people, 87 of whom were Chinese. In the end, 47 Chinese tourists died on the Phoenix.

What caused this tragedy? After investigation, the police found that the Phoenix was not designed to meet standards. This yacht is not suitable for long sea voyages. It cannot be drained after flooding, and the escape window cannot be used. When the Phoenix capsized, tourists were trapped in the cabin and unable to escape. In addition, the crew did not provide safety training for tourists, nor did they conduct fire drills. Tourists were at a loss when faced with danger, resulting in the death of a large number of tourists.

P1-P4: The victims salvaged. Most of the children are female. You will find that they all wore life jackets, but they still died because when the seawater rushed in, the buoyancy would make the tourists wearing life jackets float up, making it impossible for them to escape from the hatch in the water. They were pinned to the ceiling, unable to do anything, and eventually died.

P5: Rescue workers are carrying bodies

P6: There were at least 7 bodies on the boat. Most of them were young women. Fortunately, they had not yet rotted and still retained their beauty.

P7: Divers are recovering a female corpse. You can find her in the P6 (the girl held by the crew member wearing a yellow helmet)

P8: A young girl took a photo before the trip. Unfortunately, both girls in the photo died. The girl in the middle is in the P4 (you can see her colorful striped pants and blue wristband). The girl in the red dress on the right is in the P6 (you can see her dress on the boat)

On September 24, 2021, a 23-year-old girl named Wu Ziqi jumped from a high building in Nanning, Guangxi Province. After investigation, the police determined that she committed suicide. Soon, her friends revealed the reason for her suicide: she committed suicide for a married man.

This married man is called Huang Xing, born in 1986. When he met Miss Wu, he was already married and even had a son. Of course, he did not hide the fact that he was married. However, he lied that he and his wife were not happy and wanted to marry Miss Wu. Wu was deceived by his lies. In fact, Huang did not want to divorce his wife at all. He just wanted to have sex with Wu.

When Huang had ‘enjoyed‘ Wu, he abandoned her. Miss Wu could not accept such a result and finally chose to commit suicide.

P1-P2:Photos from the scene. Wu was wearing a black T-shirt and jeans, and she lose a shoe.

P3-P9:Autopsy. She was definitely incontinent, but the rain covered it. In fact, I don't think she was a beauty, at least she didn't look pretty at all when she died. I think she would have died more beautifully if she had chosen to hang herself or take poison.

P10: Photos of her when she was alive. It is undeniable that she was very beautiful when she was alive, and there must be many men who loved her, but she chose the wrong man

Very good, thanks! Keep it up. :cheerswine: