Coucou tout le monde !! Ca fait 3fois que je poste ce genre de messages, juste pour dire que si vous voulez échanger des vidéos en tout genre (chloro, strangulation ...) envoyez moi un message, et on échange nos skype ! (si vous avez entre 18 et 25ans et que vous parlez francais, c'est parfait ^^)
Hi everyone! It's 3 times I post these messages, just to say that if you want to share videos of all kinds (chloro, strangulation ...) send me a message and we exchange these skype! (if you are between 18 and 25 years and you talk french, great ^^)
Hi everyone! It's 3 times I post these messages, just to say that if you want to share videos of all kinds (chloro, strangulation ...) send me a message and we exchange these skype! (if you are between 18 and 25 years and you talk french, great ^^)