Palestinian teenagers killed in Gaza


Staff member
Oct 7, 2008
Almost like the dude in Pic 2 took a bullet to his dick... nice!
big meaty soles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Almost like the dude in Pic 2 took a bullet to his dick... nice!

Although it is unlikely, it's a nice thought. Which leaves the question why does there seem to be blood in his piss?

He is a real beauty
That is soooo nice ! Die with white socks and sneakers on~
Although it is unlikely, it's a nice thought. Which leaves the question why does there seem to be blood in his piss?

He is a real beauty

The only things I can come up with are a bullet or a bladder infection.... LOL
Great corpses, looks to me the last guy took a bullet through his leg that passed though to the other side of his crotch. That would have caused the blood in his crotch. Cute piece of meat though.
Maybe it isn't blood at all. Maybe he just shit his pants a bit.
Maybe it isn't blood at all. Maybe he just shit his pants a bit.

No, it's too red. Unless he had a diet lacking in roughage. And it's too far in the front. I think my friend Slitneck called it, now that I've looked again. A shot in the leg, likely missed the femur, just went through the soft tissue and exited and - by dumb luck - hit his dick on the way out. Now that's a shame...
The guy with the jeans pulled down is really really cute. My first thought was he had messed his pants but yes I think th ebullet through the leg and into his crotch is most correct. Where is his other shoe?