Hypothetical: how to avoid the law/trouble


Forum Newcomer
Established Member
Oct 28, 2020
Bundaberg QLD Australia
So as a hypothetical:

You've found the right person willing to finally turn your fantasy of being killed by another person into the real experience. Both parties are aware and agreeable of/to the immediate consequences.

What can be done to protect the surviving party to the following consequences? What would stop them from being caught by the law?

It's all good and well that you both get to live or un-alive in the moment, but what if you don't want the trouble and law associated with it to ruin the situation?

I suppose it's a case of, how to commit and not be caught for murder.

It'd certainly be a bit of a bummer for all those people on the personals that are looking for more.

Am I reading to far into this? Where is the moral line?

So many questions that I haven't even really thought about.
I would like to know too! I don't want to have to worry about the legality of snuffing someone
So as a hypothetical:

You've found the right person willing to finally turn your fantasy of being killed by another person into the real experience. Both parties are aware and agreeable of/to the immediate consequences.

What can be done to protect the surviving party to the following consequences? What would stop them from being caught by the law?

It's all good and well that you both get to live or un-alive in the moment, but what if you don't want the trouble and law associated with it to ruin the situation?

I suppose it's a case of, how to commit and not be caught for murder.

It'd certainly be a bit of a bummer for all those people on the personals that are looking for more.

Am I reading to far into this? Where is the moral line?

So many questions that I haven't even really thought about.
This is far too loaded of a hypothetical, unfortunately - at least for a thread like this with a generic scenario.
Nobody wants to end up caught and/or in prison, so there's really only two options: stick to fantasy only, or execute a prime example of risk management.
In theory, it's pretty simple and the same as with any 'project': make a plan.
Think through the approach, from start to finish. Consider all variables and eventualities and how to mitigate them. The more you consider, the better your plan and the lower the risk of getting caught.
It's not complicated, but it is a lot of work. There's a reason why it takes weeks if not months to plan something like this sufficiently. Though it is definitely easier when both parties are willing, as you have to account for a lot fewer unknown variables on the victim's side.

However, and that's the most important thing: there is never a guarantee for anything to work. Even if you've spent months accounting for even the most obscure risks, there will always be a residual percentage of unknowns that may end up fucking things up for you at some point in the future.
For example: a third party interfering in some way that was unplanned for (short-term fuckery), or future advancements in forensics techniques and practices shedding light on physical or digital evidence that was previously unidentifiable, possibly years after the fact. Unlike this thread, these advancements are unfortunately not a hypothetical, but the fast-paced and migraine-inducing reality that everybody who intends to stretch a law or two has to deal with in some way.
(small addition because I don't agree with the vibe: )
Fantasy is fine.

Reality is PLAN STUPID !
'Reality' is only stupid if you're stupid in your approach.
Every corporate entity on earth does things that are either borderline or entirely illegal on a regular basis. Whether that law-bending is in regards to financial fraud, environmental destruction, or as in our case, murder - it makes absolutely no difference. It all boils down to risk management.
Where larger companies have the possibility to employ McKinsey et al to spread that risk out as thinly as possible, other smaller entities (like small businesses or individuals like us) just have to take on a lot more of the planning themselves.