Beheading video of David Haines


Forum Resident
Jan 3, 2011
Full ISIS video.

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I can't believe these guys would calmly give a speech denounching the usa and britan knowing they are going to be beheaded. I would have told the face covered coward to f++k off. It just seems so phony. I see the dead body and the head but I think it has been phonyshopped
just sooo fake
Threats of pain or to others can make a guy say stuff --especially when he knows no one will actually believe it.
Seen videos like this before.. All as gut wrenching as the last.. I get off on fantasy this is different.

I just HATE Muslims that little bit more as more and more of these types of videos surface.. Cruel, evil people and it has happened for millenia and ISIS are just the new kids on the block.

The argument is these are trained by the west.. That's true (at least in Al Qaeda's case) but only one side of it! They were trained to protect the middle east from Russian invasion. It's not the west's fault their ideology is so toxic they act like inhuman monsters. Christianity is incredibly naive and judged Islam on their own set of beliefs and values. We gave them the firepower and mixed with their poisonous religion are using it to oppress and murder that corner of the world.

And nothing pisses me off more than when people say this has nothing to do with religion.. It really grates on me and I want to smash the idiots in the face repeatedly because their stupidity is making excuses for this to keep happening.

Every culture in the entire world hates Islam, every culture has not a good word to say about it however, Christianity thinks it knows different and Christianity thinks it can be its saviour.. They need wiping out.. They're vermin and Christianity needs to do more listening and learning than talking.
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this kind of self-censored videos make me to belif they are fake. This are begin more strong when looking and hear victims clear and strong speach
One rapid quescion... why knife is not clean at the begining of cutting neck ?
This is meant to be a fantasy site, designed to arouse us . It is not supposed to be a site glorifying the murder of real people who have no choice or control over what happens to them. I believe that there is no place for such videos on this site, indeed on any site. Isis and it's ilk thrives on publicity. A self denying ordinance seems appropriate here.

Which does not mean that stories might not be arousing be please, no more real murders.