
  1. Meatpie

    Man jumps from a building in Mexico

    <code class="html clickselect undefined xml" style="-moz-tab-size: 4; display: block;"><video width="720" height="405" controls poster=""> <source src="" type="video/mp4"> <source src="" type="video/ogg"> <source src=""...
  2. Meatpie

    Teenager stabbed to death in Brazil

    <code class="html clickselect undefined xml" style="-moz-tab-size: 4; display: block;"><video width="720" height="405" controls poster=""> <source src="" type="video/mp4"> <source src="" type="video/ogg"> <source src=""...
  3. Meatpie

    Young lad murdered in Brazil big feet

  4. Meatpie

    Reddit admins likely to shut down r/watchpeopledie over Shuaib Aslam suicide video

    Notorious reddit gore sub r/watchpeopledie will most likely get shut down by the admins of reddit over 18-year-old Shuaib Aslam suicide video which he streamed live on his YouTube channel and was later reposted on Reddit. US media quickly picked up on the case and started blaming WPD for...
  5. Meatpie

    Teenager Commits Suicide by Jumping from Unfinished Building in Iran

    19-year-old from Iran committed suicide by jumping from the roof of an unfinished building. Before his suicide he posted a video on the internet asking for forgiveness from his mom and the rest of the family. <code class="html clickselect undefined xml" style="-moz-tab-size: 4; display...