
  1. S

    looking for torture victims sweeden

    Looking for boys with nice body's to torture, abuse, beat up and torture with my stun gun
  2. ArrowMan


    To celebrate all the awesome diversity of my buddies at CDG, for you... YOUR NATIONAL ANTHEM !! :cheers: (if YouTube link does not open, sign off this thread and then back on again and try again) AUSTRALIA: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rErvPnd-2E&feature=related BRAZIL...
  3. Meatpie

    IN PICTURES: Riots Paralyze France

    October 22, 2010 Weeks of strikes, protests and demonstrations have brought much of France to a standstill as workers, students and others voice their strong opposition to a government proposal to raise the age for a minimum pension from 60 to 62. A quarter of the nation's gas stations were...