
  1. psycboy

    An ad to fight obesity in the U.S.

    Did anyone see this ad? Here's the link: It has generated quite a debate over whether the ad has gone too far in promoting public health. Here's part of a report from Huffington Post, a news website: "The Washington, DC-based group Physicians...
  2. Meatpie

    Please help the mod team by reporting offensive posts with a single click

    The forum staff are doing their utmost to keep the site free of abuse (spam, trolling, phishing etc.) yet we are only humans and sometimes can omit a forum post/thread. Don't wait for someone else to report it, take action when you see any posts that is in breach of our TOS. To do so simply...
  3. S

    It's Harvest Time

    Well, at least it is where I live. The combines are in the fields and the grain elevators are busy. We have already had our first fatality and it is particularly gruesome. In a nearby village is an older grain elevator. It probably doesn't have all of the safety features of the newer ones but...
  4. DCSadist68

    Yahoo snuffed me: My new email address

    Hi guys, Yahoo snuffed my account. I guess they don't like me jerking off to hot dead dudes. So, my new email account is
  5. S

    Defendant Accused of Raping Straight Men Defendant Accused of Raping Straight Men By Editors DANE WILLIAMS Philong Huynh X390 (FILE AND MUG) | ADVOCATE.COM A man accused of drugging, raping, and murdering a 23-year-old...
  6. Meatpie


    Religion sucks and Islam is absolutely disgusting. Everything about it irritates me. There are active posting members here who I know are muslim. On CDG we give anyone the chance to voice their opinion without fear and cenosrhip. People in the West blame Islam for all the evils of the modern...
  7. Meatpie

    My neighbour is a murderer

    My neighbour is 30 and called Danny. He used to work for the mafia. A few years ago he shot a young dude in the head point blank for insulting his wife. Instead of getting a life in prison he was sentenced to 2 years and was soon released for good behaviour. The mafia bribed the authorities...
  8. Meatpie

    Help with English

    Every now and then I will come across a word/phrase in English that I don't undertsand. I start searching on the net but still don't get the idea. Can you help? For examples what does blow mean in a sentences like. "This forum blows." "This TV show blows" Is it like sucks? Is it...
  9. Meatpie

    Where were you on 9/11

    I was at home sleeping, it was 5 pm local. My dad called me on the phone and said, "turn on the TV and watch CNN". I saw the second plane hit, saw the towers fall live on TV. I stayed up all night watching CNN and had nightmares when I finally went to bed.