
  1. Machiavelli

    My vlog channels or whatevah you want to call em..

    hey guys i hope i post it right here.. So here are 2 channels from me.. http://www.youtube.com/user/kanwulfNL << Regulary updated with documantaries and soft gore as long youtube dont flag my acc and kills it.. http://www.ogrish.tv/memberprofile.php?uid=3004 << My personal ogrish.tv profile...
  2. Meatpie

    Nigger Gets Stabbed

    Passed away with his mouth open, this is all too common among dead young men.
  3. K

    meatpie loves ogrish

    that gay spammer have 3 fucking profiles on our site and steal all his contents
  4. deaddirty

    Recovery of a floater

  5. Meatpie

    Poor Kiuma died today!

    The K I U M E R site has been taken down, their account "suspended" JohannaXn doesn't reply to emails. Not sure whether they will be able to put it back up, hope not.
  6. Meatpie

    Why its not a good idea to post at K I U M E R

    Log on, owner of K I U M E R and his lesbian co-admin have some really good plans for the future of their site. They are gonna sell it!!! Oh yes, Johanna was stupid enough to reveal this to me while we were "friends". When the site becomes big and popular enough, like ogrish did, they are...
  7. Meatpie

    Ogrish Spin-off Sites

    ogrishforum.net.tc ogrish.biz realogrish.com ogrish.nl know any others? Please post?