He is Raul Vinicius Ortigoza de Camargo, 18 years of age shot dead last October 2018 and he still wearing blue Nike sneakers without socks. I wish I can lick his fingers and also smell his fuckable feet.
and this video is also beautiful,----a cool boy wearing Nike basketball shoes is hanged by other people~~
I recently discovered this video of a fight in which one drowns. I really want to know what movie this clip is from but does not say anything in the video title, I don't know the actors and I don't understand the language and subtitles so I have not made much progress in my search. If there is...
:totally hot:
Unbelievable, how many people like this video !
Watch an old post i sent in here... (8 months ago)
*Click image if you want to continue...!
I can confirm that the THRILLERMAKER classic short film NO MORE TALK will be "legally" available on BestDeaths.com on November 21st.... Here's a sneak peak!!! -- TODD