mouth open

  1. engorgio

    Flipped Over With Eyes Wide Open

    I love how they move him around while he stares at nothing.
  2. Meatpie

    Dead soldier or rebel...I don't know but he died with his eyes and mouth open

    Crazy images from the war in Syria in our Secret Room, we update daily!
  3. Meatpie

    Young guy beheaded in Mexico

  4. Meatpie

    Dalton sleeping with mouth open
  5. metalmachine

    Ricky Henderson KO

  6. Meatpie

    Motorcyclist busts his head in accident and croaks with mouth open

  7. phyzzique

    CDG 33 yo motorcyclist Miguel Angelo Ramires morto

  8. W

    For beheading lovers

    After your head stops rolling what would you want done with your severed head? I love the idea of my head held up to a cheering crowd while I'm still alert. Or the other guys lined up and horny to lose their heads form a large circle and toss my head around, back and forth, until one of them...
  9. jon_b

    cute, dead, mouth open

    He's quite cute - dead - mouth and eyes open - shot by police :yes:
  10. phyzzique

    Beautiful back marred by back stabber

  11. bindiboi

    Unrealistic pics and vids

    Look, I am normally not one that gripes on here, but I am going to right now. What is with these silly pics and videos of guys pretending to be strangled and killed making these ridiculously unrealistic clown faces? Their tongues sticking out of their mouths and their eyes rolled back. They look...
  12. Meatpie

    Very handsome young man in morgue

    Do you recognize this guy? He is quite famous... Give it a try.
  13. phyzzique

    Handsome fit 20 yo José da Silva fell off his vehicle and onto a fence

  14. metalmachine

    Marcos Matsunaga Dismembered Pics

  15. Meatpie

    Young guy shot under the eye croaks with mouth open in shock

    Every day in our Secret Room amazing new images.
  16. jon_b

    shot in head and back

    Eyes and mouth open- bullet holes in his head and back :shock:
  17. phyzzique

    CDG slashed to death

  18. jon_b

    dead 3 bullets

    eys open - mouth open - dead - killed with 3 bullets :shock:
  19. Angel Lust

    ONLY 21 YO

  20. jon_b

    stabbed - multiple wounds

    Death stare-mouth open- killed with multiple stab wounds :shock: Our CDG Elite Members can collect a set of pics on this guy, without WM - from the CDG Secret Room - available now. :yes: