Scientists at CERN are to make an important announcement on Wednesday, July 4, 2012 about their hunt for the elusive sub-atomic particle.
Physicists have said previously they are increasingly confident that they are closing in on it based on hints at its existence hidden away in reams of...
Skeletal seven-month-old baby starving to death in the Horn of Africastares stares wide-eyed into the camera.
1,000,000 children are expected to die from hunger in Africa by the end of 2011.
The United States is sending tons of food but it's still not enough...
Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iran, Mauritania, Nigeria, Sudan and Yemen apply the death penalty against homosexuals. Eighty-five countries pursue homosexuality. The condemned to prison, flogging, psychiatric internment or labor camps
When will it end?
will be free some day...?
I hope so