
  1. M

    Electric chair execution

    Prisoner 3189: 22 years old, 5ft 10in tall, 160lbs. Execution by electric chair. For 2013 the State has reintroduced the original style electric chair, in which the death cap is replaced by an electrode against the condemned man's back, making contact through a slit cut in the back of the...
  2. StiffBoy

    5 Men Execution...!

    :totally hot: They just got executed against a wall somewhere in lovely Syria. *Click image to continue...
  3. S


    Irish guy will travel play or real its up to my executioner
  4. Demon

    Executed young man

    Was killed with several shots from a firearm, the young saints welley silva, 17. The body was found early on Monday (17), near the road leading to the site banners, city of Heath Mother of God, where it resided. The young man had already been arrested several times for various crimes committed...
  5. StiffBoy


    :stars: Man still Sitting Up on his Bicycle after being Shot on his neck to Death... *Click image to see ..!
  6. PiercedChest

    Drug trafficer executed; messy but nice death stare

  7. StiffBoy

    Brazilian Man Executed

    :totally hot: When you live in Brazil finding a dead body on the streets isn't that big a deal. *Click image to see A.L.L....!
  8. StiffBoy

    Murdered in Brazil

    :totally hot: Executed while trying to run away after their car was attacked. *Click image to see full S.E.T...!
  9. metalmachine

    New Hang Executiom in Iran

  10. U

    torturer/executioner in Uk

    Looking for a victim under 50 years old and in good shape. Very few limits to be used,abused,tortured,executed, roleplay or reel in UK.:hang:
  11. jon_b

    bound gagged executed

  12. jon_b

    3 guys executed

    3 guys lie dead, side by side on the road - executed :shock:
  13. stonefree

    tragedy of Thai rescue team...

    two of them executed in July... crime scene + funeral bad quality, but I think they are cute http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.325231820898003.75100.100002335644452&type=3 news video http://77.nationchannel.com/home/252181/ I cannot translate Thai....
  14. jon_b

    Executed Youth

    Also available for Elite members in our Secret Room - without the WMs
  15. B

    You're Bloody Well Right

    Executed in street. Three angles. Haiti, 2004.
  16. satanic-cumshot


    RATE IF YOU LIKE THIS THREAD Truck full of Burned Body-Syria this people was Killed in Hospital ,any Man who eneter in Hospital ,he will be killed with poison ,and then his corpse he will be burned with acide or fire
  17. Conner

    More Suspects Apprehended

  18. M

    repost hung

  19. jon_b

    a gift from the Mexican Gangs

    Tortured, pants pulled down and executed. He was shot in the chest with 4 X 0.40 caliber bullets that went right through. :shock: The blood on the back of his shirt is from the exit wounds.
  20. jon_b

    Highway execution

    A young man lies dead at the side of a Mexican Highway - executed and dumped. :shock: