
  1. Meatpie

    Every night when we go to sleep we lose consciousness

    Every night our brains switch off, sleep is amazing and beautiful. Notice how after a hard day's work you drop in bed and within minutes you consciousness starts to slip, first for just a few seconds,then for a few minutes until you pass out for a couple of hours! Sleep comes in phases, each...
  2. B

    Kick the wind out of me and stomp me till knocked out.

    1 chance in trillion I'll find any takers. Love 1 or 2 dudes to break in a pair of steel toed Woverines or any other type of hard sole boots by kicking and stomping me out cold. Hot to feel hard heavy boot on back of my head grinding my face into the dirt. Use me for a urinal when finished.
  3. Meatpie

    New pics from Libya, young man shot in the brain

    New brutal pics of dead young guys have just arrived from Libya, check them with no watermarks only in our Secret Room. Exclusive top notch material.
  4. Meatpie

    Young guy shot dead in Syria

    Not the best of quality but cute young guy.