
I really like this board and thank you for dong such a great job moderating and putting up superior content but I must demand you remove these links. I know the creators of this movie and how dependent they are on those of us who pay for their work. Their studio is called PKF and they make the highest quality "women in peril" movies in the industry. The only way us fans get new content is by purchasing their movies and I own about 20 of them. So please all board members, if you like the look of this film, then go buy it instead of stealing it. John and Maxx thank you for it!

Thank you for your comment.

I found this movie while doing a search for dead guys on Google! I haven't heard of PKF studio but if you post a link to their website we will remove the download links.

This is some hardcore stuff, I am sure they have lots of fans.

I would like to contact them and ask if they plan to release "gay massacre" movie too. I am cool playing both butcher & victim, will not ask for money.