
Staff member
Oct 7, 2008

Jori Lirette was decapitated with a meat cleaver
A father has admitted to chopping his son's head off with a meat cleaver and leaving it in the roadside outside his home so that the child's mother would see it.
A passing motorist saw the decapitated head of seven-year-old Jori Lirette, from Louisiana, and alerted police.

Detectives later found the boy's body in a rubbish sack that had been dumped nearby.

The boy's father, 30-year-old Jeremiah Lee Wright, is alleged to have confessed to decapitating his son.

Jori was wheelchair bound and needed a feeding tube having been born with cerebral palsy.

Wright is said to have told police that he did it because 'he'd gotten to the point where he was tired of taking care' of the boy',
Police Chief Scott Silverii said: 'He told us when he put his head out by the side of the road it was so the mother would see it when she came by.'
He said Wright's only explanation for doing so was 'just that he wanted her to feel stupid when she saw the head'.


According to reports Wright, seen here on Sunday, was sick of taking care of his special needs son

The crime scene was so gruesome that some of the police who responded to the emergency call have had to have counselling.

Investigators said the grisly killing was carried out over a kitchen sink at the Louisiana home the boy shared with his father and his mother Jesslyn.
His hand and feet were also cut off and discovered nearby in plastic garbage bags.
A forensic team removed the sink from the house in Thibodaux ,Louisiana, as part of their murder investigation.

Wright is understood to have confessed to the killing and is co-operating with police.

Instead of wasting money on a trial, just chop off the dad's head with a cleaver (making sure to take many, many tries to get it completely off) and then leave it by the side of the road. I am all for an eye for an eye. To hell with protecting his rights - what about the victim's rights? This may sound cruel or offensive, but the kid is probably much better off now than he was alive. The world in which we live is going to hell much faster than we realize.
@ meatpie - I actually saw this article literally when it was breaking news. Honestly, I have a high tolerance of a lot of things - if its a cute GUY/MAN being beheaded, sure, but not a freakin kid! That worthless excuse for a dad sure as hell needs that bulletproof vest, since I wouldn't be surprised if someone sniped justice into him.

I have complete faith that our prison system will treat him *VERY* well, once they catch wind of what he did. I think beheading your own kid would stack him right at the bottom of the prison ranking system with child molesters.